Cortical Spreading Depression is speculated to be one of the main catalysts or triggers of migraines. Migraine headaches are divided into two categories: a vascular condition and a neurological condition. They affect both systems in the body and cause discomfort to both. CSD or Cortical Spreading Depression happen when neural activity is initiated and then over time, it is slowed or dampened; the process of this depression can go from the back of the skull to the front of the brain in a matter of twenty eight minutes. When this takes place, inflammatory mediators are let loose which leads to the bothering and inflammation of the cranial nerve roots, especially the trigeminal nerve. This will cause the overwhelming pain associated with migraines. It will make you second guess yourself about doing even small tasks as you can be debilitated for many days.
Like Cortical Spreading Depression, there are other migraine triggers which initiate the migraine chain of events. They are usually categorized into two groups: environmental triggers and physiological triggers. Here are some of the environmental triggers: bright lights (photophobia), weather changes, humidity, smells like body odor or perfume, barometric changes, cigarette smoke, dry air, loud noises (phonophobia) and even stress. The physiological triggers could any of the following: hunger, certain foods like chocolate, fatigue, caffeine, excessive sleeping, alcohol, emotional stress and even neck tension. Triggers like the ones mentioned above should be avoided. If you are triggered by chocolate, don’t go eat any chocolate…simple. Yet, some triggers can’t be so easily evaded. For example: if you triggered by a lack of sleep or sleep depravity and you work two full-time jobs, you can’t just not show up to work trying to avoid these triggers and the onset of a migraine. So you must complement your trigger-avoiding shortages with a prime migraine treatment option.
Aura Stage
This is the stage that you would experience the Cortical Spreading Depression and with only 15% of the migraine population go through this step; chances are you might not ever experience this awful stage. If you do however, you could have symptoms such as: blurred vision, zigzag vision, black spots in eyes, blindness in one eye temporarily, vertigo and even hallucinations. Ginkgo Biloba would be a good herbal supplement for this stage as it brings change to the mental and visual centers of the brain.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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