Finding the right migraine treatment option can a chore in and of itself as you have to try many treatments out on your own body to know if they are effective and if your body handle the treatment as well. Prescription medications might seem simple and effective but they can also bring with them many unwanted side effects which can be avoided. I would recommend, if you are indeed searching for a safer migraine treatment, that you use a natural or more holistic method of migraine treatment. This treatment comes in many forms such as Chinese acupuncture techniques or herbal supplement remedies. One of these treatments is spinal augmentation or chiro adjustment which realigns the vertebras and discs. Many local issues in the body as well as migraines can be calmed by just simply realigning the spine.
Weather You Have A Trigger Or Not
Personally, I suffer from weather triggered migraine headaches and right now, we want to briefly go over the role weather can play on migraines occurrences. Changes in the weather such as the ones mentioned below are thought to create a chemical reaction in the brain that sets the serotonin levels off balance bringing about a painful migraine headache. Chronic migraine sufferers often note an increase in migraine activity during weather and climate changes. Research on the weather and its direct influence on migraines is still under research, therefore it is suggested that migraine sufferers keep a headache journal noting which weather changes bring on migraine headaches and symptoms. Weather related migraines are often noticed when the following changes occur:
- Mostly Bright Sunshiny Days
- High Humid Air
- Barometric Changes
- Windy weather can trigger migraines due to the wind changing the pressure in the ears
- Hot and Cold weather changes
- Rainy Weather
- Dry Air
You Might Have Some Of These
There are many risk factors when it comes to preventing migraine headaches from occurring and the knowledge of these risk factors can be the difference between suffering and relief. It is important for individuals who are seeking a migraine treatment to understand their own personal risk factors so that they will be more able to properly seek out the best migraine treatment that will work for them.
« Age – Age is another factor because the majority of individuals who will suffer from migraine attacks will have had their first episode sometime during adolescence. Of course, migraines are much less frequent during childhood but studies show that if one is to have migraines, they should most certainly have had their first attack by around age 40 at the latest. This means I have 10 more years and I’m in the clear.
« Family History – Family history and genetic factors actually play an extremely important role in individuals who agonize from migraines. There have been studies that show that up to 90% of individuals with migraines come from a family tree who also share this trait. As the saying goes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the pear tree.
« Medical Issues – Individuals who are have other medical issues such as epilepsy, depression, anxiety, stroke, and high blood pressure are more vulnerable to migraines than people who have not underwent with any of these medical concerns.
« Gender – Whether you are a boy or a girl is a commonly known factor to migraines, in that more migraine sufferers tend to be girlies. Hormones play a significant role in the case of migraines. During childhood or adolescents, the frequencies of migraines between sexes are not that different but a drastic increase in migraine headaches in females becomes apparent as they near puberty. The reason behind this statistic seems to reside in the case of estrogen, its levels, and its effects on migraines. So for kids who had major migraine as a child, this tendency may not continue into adulthood.
Coenzyme Q10
CoQ10 is found inside the body’s cells and is key to the proper function within the cell; it has been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that seek migraine treatment. Coenzyme Q10 has also proven especially favorable when used in combination with Magnesium and Vitamin B2, and like other supplements besides being found naturally in foods can be taken in supplemental form.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, migraine prevention, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Riboflavin
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