A migraine headache is caused by an enlargement of blood vessels that creates a series of chemicals to be released and attack arteries in the brain. Once the chemicals have been released to wreak their havoc, the enlarging of the arteries begins to send painful symptoms that only magnifies until the arteries have stopped expanding or migraine relief has been found.
For years, doctors and scientist have been trying to discover what causes some individuals to experience chronic migraines but have turned up empty handed. Through clinical studies and research, doctors and scientist have come to understand that though they are unable to pinpoint exact cause’s biological events may play a role in the development of a migraine.
When a migraine attacks it can leave an individual incapacitated for several days. When a migraine reaches its climatic point the individual can find his or herself missing work and special occasions. Studies have shown that those who suffer from reoccurring migraines could indeed struggle with some form of migraine pain up to fifteen days out of the month.
What Is Your Risk?
Migraine headaches can happen to anyone; however, there are factors that play a part in increasing the risk of some individuals such as:
Gender – out of the millions of people that suffer with migraines 18% of the migraine sufferers are women. This statistic is not limited to the United States only but relevant to women across the globe. During childhood or adolescents, the frequencies of migraines between sexes were not that different but a drastic increase in migraine headaches in females become apparent as they neared puberty.
The reason being that as a female enters puberty her hormone levels especially her estrogen levels. It is common for women to complain of migraines during her monthly menstrual, these headaches are often referred to as menstrual migraines.
Age – one’s age can be a risk factor, if you are between the ages of 15 and 55 you are still in an age group where migraine headaches can be common occurrences. During childhood, migraines are less frequent but not nonexistent. Research has shown that children who suffer from migraines typically will grow out of them as they age, unless other factors are involved.
Family Genetics – a rather large statistic says that those individuals that come from a family history of migraine sufferers will most likely be at risk of suffering from chronic migraines as well.
Medical Concerns – men and women that have a history of medical concerns such as depression, anxiety, stroke, epilepsy and high blood pressure are more susceptible to migraines than people who have not suffered with any of the listed medical concerns.
Where You Can Find Relief
Medical professionals tend to encourage their migraine sufferers toward the use of medications to ease their migraine headaches. Medications can bring some relief to chronic sufferers, however they do not work for everyone and they have been known to bring about adverse side effects.
Chiropractic Care
The main determination behind the concept of chiropractic care is to aid in lessening symptoms of pain and other issues by correcting any imbalances in the skeletal configuration. The forms of adjustment of the skeletal structure are made through techniques such as stretches, adjustments, as well as manipulations where the imbalance can be restored and results in lessening of symptoms. Chiropractic care as used for migraine treatment has become increasingly more popular because of the ability for chiropractic care to benefit the migraine sufferer and offer pain and stress relief that is so often related to migraine.
Acupuncture as a therapy originated as traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patents of energy that flow through the body are and essential to total body health. Acupuncture uses stimulation of specific acu-points on the skin by inserting needles that range in length from 1 cm to 10 cm. A typical treatment involves the use of 5 to 15 needles and the generally the acu-points vary during each treatment session.
Massage Therapy
The two main symptoms that are presented by the condition of migraine are fatigue and pain. Massage therapy can aid in lessening both of these symptoms by helping the migraine suffer to be able to experience less pain, obtain more sleep, and also to help relax some of the tightened and stiff muscles that can contribute to much of the pain. Research has proven that the use of massage therapy as a form of migraine treatment can help migraine sufferers experience deeper levels of sleep and lessen levels of pain and fatigue. The way that massage therapy accomplishes this is by using the different forms of massage to help oxygenate the body as a whole which can decrease the severity of symptoms that a migraine sufferer will experience.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic care, Chronic migraine, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, natural treatment, preventative migraine treatment, severe migraine pain
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