Day to day headaches are a very common occurrence among the average American; however migraine attacks are very different from the day to day headache and can often disrupt an individual, their employment, as well as their family. A migraine headache is defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting from four to seventy two hours. There are many different approaches in order for an individual to find a migraine treatment, and all of the options available should be considered, however chiropractic care should not be discounted as a beneficial form of migraine treatment.
Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractic care often involves the use of spinal manipulation, adjustments of the joints and soft tissues, as well as massage therapy in an approach for migraine treatment. Often the cause of a migraine can be traced back to misalignment of the muscles and nerves in the lower back, shoulders or neck. Any individual who is searching for a migraine treatment which does not involve prescription medications should most certainly look into the option of chiropractic care.
Research has shown that many migraines originate in the spine, often because of misalignment of the vertebra, and can then irritate the nerves that travel the length of the spine to the brain. This misalignment is what makes a person more prone to chemical imbalances within the brain. Some studies say that manipulating the vertebrae—a chiropractor’s forte— can relieve the pressure against inflamed nerves and can aid in getting rid of the headaches. Chiropractic treatment also deals with many of the causative factors towards migraine headaches such as relieving the restriction in movement in the neck, muscle tension in the neck, as well as muscle tension in the upper back and shoulders which when not corrected can lead to posture problems that can influence migraine occurrences. When used as a form of preventative migraine treatment, periodic adjustments (or spinal manipulations) can keep the spine and cervical bones aligned properly in order to help avoid the onset of migraines in the first place. Research has even shown that individuals who receive normal periodic adjustments can actually begin to feel when their spine and cervical bones begin to get out of line and can “feel” when it is time for a visit to the chiropractors office for and adjustment that can ward off the onset of migraine symptoms. Additionally, other research has proven that spinal manipulation, when used for tension or migraine headaches can be as effective as medications in preventing these headaches.
Tags: chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine triggers, Migraines, neurological condition, stress, Throbbing, treating migraines
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