For those unlucky enough to become diagnosed with a chronic condition like migraines, they should be aware of the damage that the migraine can have on their life as well as their lifestyle which increases or decreases the quality of their life. One of the areas that is so easily effected by migraines is your schedule for work and other events. In today’s society, a planner or date book is almost second nature as everything must be scheduled out due to the fact that we have such busy lives. Family events, work obligations and other happenings are at the mercy of the migraine onset if you don’t have a flexible calendar knowing that a migraine episode could pop up at any moment. Also another lifestyle change that can be made is conserving energy. Fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms of migraines and can be a great proponent, if reversed, toward the prophylaxis of migraines in your life. Consult with your doctor to determine if there are ways to increase you energy and combat the fatigue.
Symptoms Spread Across Four Stages
The symptoms by which a migraine sufferer has to deal with are many and most don’t go through them all but some do. These symptoms are spread out among four distinct phases or stages of the migraine process; you have: Prodrome, Aura, Headache and Postdrome. Here are two of the stages and their symptoms. In the Aura stage, you can get: blindness in one eye, vertigo, zigzag vision, blurred vision, loos of concentration / focus and even hallucinations. In the Headache phase, you will of course experience intense, unilateral head pain but also nausea, vomiting, loss of motor skills, dizziness, fatigue, joints pain and even tinges in your nerves.
A Safer Choice
Prescription medications might be the most popular choice but that does not make it the safest one. Medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills and antiseizure medicines are some migraine sufferer’s quick fix to a chronic problem, but the reality is that using medications such as these could only lead to further health complications. Since there is not a cure for migraine pain the migraine sufferer must find a treatment that is safe to sue long term and that my friend is where the Migraine Support Formula comes into play. The problem lies not in the natural ingredients or the formula itself but with the individual. The difference between other forms of migraine relief treatment and choosing the Migraine Support Formula is the powerful natural ingredients that have been carefully researched and clinically tested to provide migraine sufferers the ultimate migraine relief.
Nature’s Plan
Before the dawn of modern medicine, individuals looked to nature to be the source of healing in migraine treatment. Mother Nature has given us these supplements and techniques to more holistically treat the body for relief from the pain associated with migraine attacks, and in fact even in spite of modern medicine these more natural approaches to migraine treatment have actually been proven highly beneficial in multiple clinical studies and trials. Here are some of the supplements that many migraine sufferers find successful:
¨ Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2 is an excellent preventative migraine treatment because studies have shown that it can decrease the frequency and severity of a migraine.
¨ Feverfew – Feverfew has the natural ability of obstructing the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain. This daisy lookalike has been used for years as a natural calmer of fevers and headaches, as it is a good anti-inflammatory.
¨ 5-Hydroxytryptophan – This particular supplement is an amino acid that is made by the body from tryptophan; it is then converted into serotonin which is a very important brain chemical. Serotonin has shown that it can reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks by decreasing the constriction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain which can often lead to migraines.
¨ Magnesium Citrate – Individuals who suffer from migraines usually have lower levels of magnesium when compared to those who do not. Studies have shown that magnesium can help with the painful symptoms of migraines, especially those that might be triggered by the hormonal onset of a monthly cycle in women..
¨ Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 is a key to proper function within the cell and it has been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that seek migraine treatment.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal ingredietns, Magnesium, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Riboflavin
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