Migraines have the distinct ability to ruin your day and daily activities through the incapacitating symptoms that the condition exudes. Many people have missed works responsibilities and even family functions due to their chronic condition. It is no surprise then that migraines episodes are at the top of the list of reasons people use to miss work. Millions of Americans each year struggle with this condition and some have even given up on finding a cure for the problem in their life. But don’t give up! There is hope and it is not a cure for the condition but rather an effective way of suppressing the symptoms so that they do not inhibit your life. This hope is through the regular use of a migraine treatment option. These choice of treatment come in basically two forms: natural, holistic methods and prescribe drugs / medications. Both have their own benefits but prescription medication many times come with more side effects than healing which can lead to more suffering or even death in some cases. So choose your treatment wisely and consult with your primary care physician to determine if pills or a natural option would be best suited for you.
What Are The Migraine Symptoms?
Symptoms of a migraine headache can vary from moderate to intense and can affect people in their own way; however, listed below are the more common symptoms associated with and are described by migraine headache sufferers.
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- An extreme throbbing, pounding feeling typically located on one side of the forehead
- Irregular urination patterns
- Vomiting
- Pain may start at the back of the head and move forward
- As a part of Cortical Spreading Depression, pain can formulate right above one eye
- Diarrhea
- Paleness
- The pain is often described as unilateral meaning the pain is typically felt or experienced on one side of the head.
- Vertigo
- Reports have shown that about one third of most migraine headaches are described as being felt on both sides of the head also referred to as bilateral.
- The pain felt from the migraine on one side of the head can alternate to the other side of the head during the next migraine attack. If you frequent migraine attacks on the same side of the head please speak with your doctor immediately this could imply something more serious is occurring.
- Nausea
- Coldness in the hands and feet
Check The Warning Labels In Your Life
The reason that a migraine headache is one of the leading excuses has to do with the intense pain that is felt when one develops. A migraine unlike a headache develops in the brain and causes several physiological and emotional changes to take place in the body. Knowing the different symptoms, treatments and triggers of a migraine can help a migraine prone individual find migraine relief. The warning stages of a migraine are easily missed due to their commonality that is why it is important that a migraine sufferer pay close attention to his or her body and how his or her body is feeling. The early signs would include fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and bouts of depression. The different options for treating migraines should be discussed with the medical professional that oversees your personal health.
Using The Prescribed Over The Natural
New prescription medication called triptans is now available on the market and is geared toward relieving migraine pressure. Triptans have two important abilities: they are able to constrict blood vessels and they create an upset in the process which leads into a migraine by disturbing the sequence of chemicals that inflict pain or irritation to the nerves. Triptans have been useful in the treatment of migraine pain, however there are a few risks involved that those considering treating their migraines with triptans ought to be aware of. The most common side effects associated with triptans are but not limited to: drowsiness, facial reddening, fatigue, tightening in the chest, tightening in the throat and also dizziness. Much like it’s Triptan brother, the Ergot also constricts the blood vessels in order to stop the expand that creates the migraine in the first place. However, Ergots tend to focus on blood vessels in and around major organs of the body such as the liver, heart and other systems. And since Ergots and triptans were never designed for migraine treatment but for high blood pressure treatment, some people have even died from heart attacks due to taking this medication consistently.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, strange food cravings, triggers, Weather
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