Migraine headaches are one of those chronic conditions that most people seem to deny having yet it seems as though every other day they are in bed with intense head pain. Chronic migraines affect more than twenty million people worldwide and over half of them do not choose to seek treatment for their chronic migraine headaches; instead they explain the pain away or choose to ignore the fact that their life is not nearly as good while enduring such pain. No one has to live with chronic migraines.
Migraines are often misdiagnosed by the individual suffering with the head pain. Rather than saying the chronic pain they have is a result of a migraine they instead refer to their migraine headache as a severe headache. Sorry to tell you this and burst your bubble but headaches and migraines are two separate things. Migraines are a chronic neurological condition that are characterized by severe head pain that leads to nauseated feelings and possibly even induced vomiting. Headaches do not have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting only head pain which is mild to moderate at best. Headaches do not leave a person incapacitated for several days, nor do they affect ones equilibrium. Headaches show up quickly and then are gone whereas a migraine creeps on and then hangs on for up to seventy two hours.
Treating Migraines
Symptoms associated with migraines are miserable to deal with and often are so severe that a person is unable to do much of anything but hide out in a dark bedroom. Migraine headaches are not able to be treated with over the counter medicines and the symptoms increase over time possible even causing a person bout of confusion and the inability to comprehend or communicate properly.
Treating migraine headaches can be done but it takes time and research. Migraine treatment is more aggressive than treating a common headache, therefore it is important that migraine treatment options be discussed and reviewed with a medical professional before use or implementation. Migraine relief may not happen overnight it takes time to find the right treatment so do not grow weary keep looking!
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, Migraines, neurological condition, treating migraines
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