For many people who are suffering with migraine headaches, relief appears to be out of sight. However, there are certain herbal remedies that can be taken to assist with the migraine pain. Butterbur root is found to assist many people after only taking it for a few months.
Butterbur is said to relieve spasms and help swelling decrease. Patients take a specific extract from the root of the butterbur plant. Typically they take this for 16 weeks to help reduce the amount of migraines as well as the severity. Butterbur is also said to reduce the amount of time of a migraine. Butterbur is most effective when taken twice each day in doses of at least 75mg. Butterbur treatment effects may not be apparent until after two months of taking it. Because of this, butterbur needs to be used for several months to truly see an effect. After the 16 weeks, it is suggested to begin tapering off of butterbur. The dosage is taken in pill form and should never be applied directly to the skin.
The patients who butterbur is ideal for are ones who are looking for preventative relief. These patients typically have frequent migraine headaches, acute medications are ineffective or not tolerated, needing to use acute medications more than two times per week, and recurring migraine headaches that greatly interfere with daily routines.
Side effects
There are minimal side effects; the most common one is belching. Butterbur can also cause headache, diarrhea, itchy eyes, upset stomach, drowsiness, fatigue and asthma. It is also suggested that if a patient is allergic to related herbs, such as, ragweed, marigolds and daisies.
As with many migraine treatments, taking butterbur can have risks. The most concerning risk is liver toxicity. Since butterbur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, it is important that butterbur be processed correctly to complete remove this toxic compound. If butterbur is not processed correctly, it can cause problems in the liver, lungs and blood circulation. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids may also cause cancer. The only butterbur products that a patient should take are ones that have been certified and are specifically labeled that they do not contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
Butterbur should not be taken while pregnant or breast feeding. There is a possibility that the pyrrolizidine alkaloids can cause birth defects and liver damage in the unborn. There is also not enough research on butterbur that does not contain this compound, to say it is safe for use while pregnant or breast feeding.
Overall, many patients see a great difference in migraine headaches while taking butterbur.
Tags: Butterbur, headache, herbal, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, treating migraines
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