Have you ever noticed those houses hidden behind a chained link fence with a sign attached that read “BEAWARE OF DOG”? Have you ever wondered if a dog really did exist or was it just some cheap way of trying to provide protection and security from potential thieves? The sign Beware is a warning to all that happen to walk by warning them that consequences will be had if they choose to walk through that gate uninvited. In life, there are many signs that help warn us or tell us to give heed that trouble is around the bend unless we follow a set of rules.
A migraine headache may not come with a set of rules but when it comes to treating the pains and symptoms of a migraine there are several rules that should be in place and the first one is pay attention to the warning signs. The preemptive warning signs of a migraine are what alert a migraine prone individual that a migraine headache is on the way. Preemptive warning signs shout BEWARE to those willing to listen and heed the warning. It is during the preemptive warning stage that migraine treatment can be implemented effectively and relief can be had. So what are the preemptive warning signs?
- Extreme Fatigue
- Obsessive Yawning
- Food Cravings
- Bouts Of Depression
Safe Is Effective
The second rule that every chronic migraine sufferer should be aware of is the fact that not every treatment is effective or designed to meet the needs of every individual. Each body responds differently to medications and treatments so it is best to be safe when looking to implement a migraine treatment. Migraine medications are one form of migraine treatment that has been known to be beneficial in relieving migraine pain, however there are several side effects associated with them so beware of your personal health.
Natural migraine treatment options such as acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care and herbal supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula are safe alternative to migraine medications. Natural treatments such as the ones listed have no adverse side effects and the studies done to determine their effectiveness have proven that they are just as effective as any migraine medication prescribed.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, herbal, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, preemptive migraine headache
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