What are you doing to better your odds of living migraine free in 2014? Migraines inflict more than twenty million people causing the family unit to suffer a loss of financial income, productivity as well as valuable time together as a result of the painful migraine symptoms that hinders one’s ability to maintain composure when being inflicted with a migraine headache. Migraines can last up to seventy two hours and are more common in women than men and if preventative steps are not taken than time away from work and family will be the consequence on top of the obvious pain.
Symptoms of a migraine headache can vary from moderate to intense and can affect people differently, however, listed below are the more common symptoms associated with and described by migraine headache sufferers.
- An intense throbbing, pounding feeling typically located on one side of the forehead
- Pain can also generate in the back of the head
- Pain can formulate right above one eye
- The pain is often described as unilateral meaning the pain is typically felt or experienced on one side of the head.
- Reports have shown that about one third of most migraine headaches are described as being felt on both sides of the head also referred to as bilateral.
- The pain felt from the migraine on one side of the head can alternate to the other side of the head during the next migraine attack. If you frequent migraine attacks on the same side of the head please speak with your doctor immediately this could imply something more serious is occurring.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Paleness
- Coldness in the hands and feet
- Sensitivity to light and sound
Migraine headaches are often spurred by daily activities that though seem small and insignificant can actually increase the onset of a migraine such as walking upstairs for example.
What You Should Do
No one likes to be told what to do, but when it comes to something as miserable and painful as reoccurring migraines than those with less experience should take the advice and counsel from those who may have done their homework or have experienced the desired migraine relief. And those who have years of experience and knowledge where migraines are concerned will often share with other migraine sufferers the effectiveness of using alternative or naturally based migraine treatments methods such as the use of acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care or the Migraine Support Formula. Each of these natural methods have proven to be just as effective as the use of medications without the harmful side effects.
Some studies have shown that with just a few simple changes to one’s lifestyle the frequency of migraines will decrease as well as the intensity and duration. Changes would include:
- A set scheduled time for going to bed and waking each morning.
- Having a daily exercise regime – exercise has proven to help improve quality of life for individuals suffering from various conditions from diabetes to migraine headaches. Individuals who are not physically fit are more prone to migraine attacks.
- Avoid skipping meals and long bouts of fasting.
- Avoid stress (if possible) – exercise can help release negative endorphins and research has proven that daily exercise can help improve mood and improve clarity of thought.
- Refrain from overuse of caffeine do not consume more than two caffeinated beverages in a given day.
- Bright and flashing lights are often associated with migraines therefore keep protective eyewear on hand and avoid places with flashing lights.
The Migraines Support Formula
The Migraine Support Formula is packed full of natural ingredients with the sole purpose of healing, this formula is backed with solid clinical studies and is currently aiding men and women with finding long lasting permanent migraine relief. The Migraine Support Formula is a natural formula thus making it a safe supplement that can be taken every day to help with the prevention of migraine headaches with no adverse side effects that are commonly associated with other migraine treatments such as prescription medication. This formula contains only the natural ingredients that have shown through clinical studies to be the most effective in treating migraine symptoms. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine support Formula are:
- Water-soluble riboflavin
- Magnesium citrate
- Feverfew
- Ginger
- Coenzyme Q10
- Ginko Biloba
- White Willow Bark
- Valerian
- Butterbur
- 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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