Migraine headaches are trigger by a number of different things classified as migraine triggers. These triggers can come from anywhere and pop up at anytime. So you must be on your guard and aware of your surrounding as these trigger are environmental or physiological in nature. The environmental trigger can be some of the following: bright light, loud sounds / noises like rock music, stress, weather changes, humidity, dry air and even certain smells like perfume or cigarette smoke or body odor (pee-eww). Some of the physiological reactive triggers are: certain foods like chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, fatigue, emotional stress, hunger and even back / neck tension. These triggers should be avoided if at all possible yet to have an entire avoidance, you would have to abandon your work responsibilities – let alone your family life. Migraines just take a lot out of you; they have to ability to incapacitate you for three days or longer, depending on how regular you are with taking your migraine treatment. You see, there is no cure for the millions of Americans who suffer from migraine headaches each year. The only relief for the vascular, migraine condition is through the use of migraine treatments.
Treatment Time
Many migraine treatment options claim to be the best treatment ever in attacking the migraine before it attacks you. However, I would recommend that you do your research on each treatment option as some options come with worse side effects than the migraine symptoms themselves. Consult with you primary care physician and determine which migraine treatment option is best for you. The Migraine Support Formula is one of those migraine treatment options. It is a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements to help minimize the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks and their many symptoms. Here is one of the ingredients:
- Valerian – This natural herb has been used for centuries to aid in sleeping as a sedative. Some physicians of old has ground it up and used Valerian in a tea to allow other to have better rest. Valerian also can calm stress levels, hysteria, diarrhea and intestinal cramps which are common symptoms of migraine headaches. It has been recently known for its mood-stabilizing properties; so if you wife is crazy, give her Valerian to make her all better.
Tags: bright light, Chronic migraine, dry air and, headache, humidity, loud sounds / noises like rock music, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, stress, Valerian, weather changes
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