Once a migraine headache has threated to surface, there is very little that a migraine sufferer can do to relieve the migraine symptoms and head pain. Migraines are a form of headaches categorized as a vascular headache due to the effect they can have on the brains arteries. As migraines begin to develop, a chemical change happens in the brain forcing on a series of painful symptoms that could leave a migraine sufferer incapacitated for several days.
Migraines symptoms develop in a procession; unlike headaches, migraines develop over a period of several days. Though medical professionals are still unclear as to what cause migraines, we do know that migraines can be brought on by migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are factors that play a key role in the onset of a migraine. Migraine triggers can be physiological or environmental. Once a migraine trigger has been encountered, the progression of a migraine begins and the future migraine sufferer a small window of opportunity to treat the impending migraine before it is too late.
The Progression
The progression of a migraine differs with each migraine patient; however, there are several similarities such as preemptive warning signs:
- Fatigue
- Increased Irritability
- Food Cravings
- Insomnia
- Hyper Activity
Shortly after the preemptive warning signs begin to manifest vision difficulties could develop such as blurred vision and black spots behind the eyes, Trouble with one’s vision could lead to a dizziness and mild head pain. The blurred vision and difficulty with one’s equilibrium quickly leads into a severe headache. The severity of a migraine headache forces the migraine sufferer to seek solace in a dark and quiet place until the migraine passes. When the migraine reaches such an intense level of head pain, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cognitive confusion prohibits normal functionality.
All Because Of
So what are these pesky migraine triggers?
- Weather
- Food
- Alcohol
- Aged Cheese
- Chocolate
- Odors
- Perfume
- Body Odor
- Cigarette smoke
- Hormones
- Menstrual Cycle
- Stress
- Sleep Interruptions
Migraine triggers surround our daily existence and are therefore unavoidable; however, one learns to recognize which triggers affect them on a personal level then more could be done to treat the migraine before it starts.
Tags: headache, Hormones, menstrual cycle, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, stress, symptoms
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