Migraines are considered a neurological disorder that is defined by the experience of moderate to severe headaches that lead to symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Migraines are more commonly felt by women than men and though I would love to go into more detail as to my theories on that particular point but for the sake of time I will leave it alone for now. Migraine sufferers often describe their migraine pain as:
- Being a unilateral pain felt on one side of the head right above the eye.
- Long-lasting sometimes up to seventy two hours.
- Throbbing/ pounding feeling in the head.
- Becoming overly sensitive to light and sound
- Bouts of nausea
- Vomiting
- Pain worsening with physical activity
Research has shown that one-third of migraine sufferers will experience some form of a migraine aura. Migraine aura is one of the four stages that come migraine sufferers experience throughout the course of the migraine attack. Each migraine stage has its own unique symptoms and treatments. The aura stage happens to be the second out of the four stages and can manifest itself twenty minutes to an hour before the onset of the third stage – headache.
Symptoms of an aura can be sensory or motor related. The most common aura affects ones vision and does not necessarily occur alongside a headache. Auras that affect vision are often described as flashes of light, or materializations of zigzag lines. Some patients even complain of blurred, shimmering or cloudy vision affecting their functionality. Needle like sensations might be felt as well during this stage in the arms as well as around the mouth. Sensations such as these could cause alarm for first time migraine sufferers; it is important that you seek the advice from your medical professional regarding testing if the mentioned sensations do not dissipate within a few hours.
During the aura phase, one can pretty much bank on a migraine attack taking place within minutes of the aura symptoms leaving. Preparation for the third stage – headache – is important. Finding a nice quiet place to relax can help make the transition smoother and less intense. A cold compress or chiropractic adjustment might help reduce the severity of the third and fourth stage.
Tags: aura stage, aura symptoms, chiropractic manipulation, migraine, migraine attack, migraine pain, Migraine releif, migraine stage, migraine symptoms, Migraines, neurological disorder
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