Many times when people have migraine headaches they want to try to soothe them before making an appointment with a doctor or going to the emergency room. What’s better than simple relief at home?
Home remedies for migraine headaches
Dehydration is a common reason for migraine headaches. Start out by drinking plenty of water. Usually within just a few hours the water will help. Even when going to the emergency room, it common to be given fluids via IV.
Hot and cold compresses can help relieve migraine headache pain. While it is uncertain why it helps, many migraine headache sufferers swear by compresses. Researchers know that cold compresses have a natural numbing effect; warm compresses relax muscles. So, the combination is thought to help constrict blood vessels and calm inflammation.
There has been a large surge in the effects of different therapeutic oils. Peppermint oil is said to help relieve headaches while also relaxing the body. There is no research on peppermint oil and migraines but many people use it for a number of ailments from nausea to migraines. Peppermint oil is typically applied topically on the area of the head that hurts. Most people see significant relief after just a few minutes.
Caffeine can be both a trigger and help with migraine headaches. Caffeine restricts blood vessels and can lessen pain. Many over the counter medications that are advertised for migraine headaches contain caffeine. However, if the migraine headache sufferer already uses caffeine in excess, it can cause the headache to worsen.
Inflammation is a part of a migraine headache. Another common medication type that is used with migraine headaches is anti-inflammatories. A natural anti-inflammatory is fish oil. Fish oil is typically taken as a vitamin. It is said to reduce inflammation and restrict blood vessels in the temples.
While it is nice to be able to treat migraine headaches at home and without the aid of a doctor, a migraine headache diary should be kept. If migraine headaches become significantly more severe and happen more often, sufferers should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible because of more serious causes of migraine headaches.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, herbal, herbal remedies, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment
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