Over the counter medicine is one of those items you keep on hand for when pesky little headaches threaten to ruin a perfectly beautiful day. Over the counter medicines are great in treating minor ailments such as tooth pain, muscle soreness or common cold symptoms. Acetaminophen is one of those OTC meds. Acetaminophen can reduce mild pain such as: headaches, backaches, muscle aches toothaches and even mild cold symptoms. Acetaminophen is effective due to its ability to relieve pain by changing the way the body feels pain by lowering the body temperature. Acetaminophen is a mild drug with little if any adverse side effects; however, if Acetaminophen is used in dosages higher than the recommended amount complications could arise and threaten the health of the liver and kidneys. However, drugs like this one can really not affect change on a migraine; the only two things that will help is avoiding triggers and a migraine treatment option.
Avoiding The Triggers Of Migraines
One can reduce the risk of a migraine by avoiding migraine triggers such as: stress, sleep deprivation, hormones, foods, caffeine, lighting and smell or by taking some form of migraine prevention medication. The problem is that it can be extremely difficult to avoid triggers and not everyone is a fan of prescription medication. Staying held up in your house with all the windows closed and the lights shut off are no way to live, yet neither is dealing with constant fatigue and mood swings. Something has to be done to provide migraine sufferers a safe way to treat their migraine headache without experiencing a loss of productivity.
The Best Plan Of Action
Several options exist but the key is selecting the right one. The easy thing to do would be to ask for a prescription and be done with the whole process; however, prescription medications have many side effects and could cause serious complications to vital organs. Choosing a less harmful approach to migraine relief would be the use of something more natural such as the migraine support formula. The Migraine support formula is a natural supplement that has been clinically proven to drastically reduce the pain level and regularity of migraine headaches. Ingredients such as Ginko Biloba, Ginger, Fever Few and Riboflavin are essential elements in this formula; the migraine support formula has been making an improvement on migraine sufferers lives across the United States. Speak with your doctor about how the ingredients found in the Migraine Support Formula can help alleviate your migraine pain.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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