There is something special about being included into a large group or affiliation; however, when the group or affiliation has to do with migraine sufferers and the number of them that exist this may be one group that you withdraw membership from. The chronic migraine club is not a club that you would want to keep renewing your membership in fact pay your dues and get out fast! Migraine headaches affect more than twenty million people each year; in fact, migraine headaches have become somewhat of an epidemic according to some studies and research.
Ridding oneself of chronic migraines may seem like an impossible feat. Migraine treatment has progressed through the years but the cure for migraine symptoms and migraine pains has yet to be unveiled. So without a migraine cure, the only thing left for a person to do is seek out a migraine treatment. But what if you are unsure if the pain you are having is the result of a migraine attack or just a really bad headache? There are several ways one can determine if the head pain they are enduring is from the hands of a migraine or tension headache.
Headaches and migraines are not the same thing in fact they are two completely different things and fall into different categories. Headaches unlike migraines are easily treatable with over the counter medicines. A migraine headache creeps on slowly and hangs on as if its life depended on it whereas a headache comes on quickly and once treated dissipates within a few hours. A migraine headache has been known to last up to seventy two hours and is known for the extreme interruption it can have on a person’s life. A headache has no other symptoms other than the mild to moderate head pain that pulsates throughout the head. Migraines tend to be unilateral meaning they stay to one side of the head and feel more like a throbbing / pounding sensation.
Symptoms common with migraines are debilitating and can leave a person out of commission for several days and the only way to pacify a migraine is through preventative measures. Once a migraine begins, there is nothing anyone can do but buckle up and endure the ride.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines
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