Staying healthy reduces the risk of falling into several different unhealthy categories such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and even heart disease. When one examines his or her health monitor, he or she does not usually take into consideration migraine health. Migraine headaches seem so trivial compared to most of the conditions listed so very few people take the time to consider just how damaging chronic migraines can be to a person’s health and wellbeing.
Migraine headaches can limit a person’s ability to function at a normal level and when you add in the number of days a migraine takes up per attack the amount of time wasted in pain and spent away from work, family and friends is staggering. Migraine headaches are one of the leading excuses for missed work, so denying that a migraine headache is a health concern is not possible. Neurologist and medical professionals agree that chronic migraine headaches are indeed a neurological condition, the reason being is the tremendous effect they have on the chemicals in the brain as they develop. A migraine headache and the way it develops is not anything to play around with and you need to know if you are at risk of chronic migraines.
Check Yes Or No
Reading the following risk factors can help you determine if you are at a higher risk of chronic migraines. Simply place a yes or a no beside each risk then take your list in with you at your next doctor’s appointment so that the two of you could discuss treatment options.
Gender – 18% of migraine sufferers are female this statistic is not limited to the US only. One possible reason or explanation could have to do with the fluctuation of hormones during a woman’s monthly cycle.
Age – if you are between the ages of 15 and 55 then you are at a higher risk of chronic migraines.
Family Genetics– sadly if you come from a history of family members that suffer with chronic migraines then the chances are that you will as well.
Medical Concerns – health is important and if you are a person with multiple medical concerns such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc. you might want to be proactive about migraine treatment.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, Magnesium, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, neurological condition, stress, symptoms, treating migraines
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