If you have ever seen someone you love and care about suffer with a migraine headache, you may be wondering if you yourself will ever have to endure such intense head pain. No one wants to see someone they care about experience excruciating pain especially not chronic migraine pain. Migraine headaches have the ability to knock someone out of commission for several hours and even several days. During the migraine procession, symptoms develop and worsen over time as the blood vessels in the brain expand and release harmful chemicals that torment the brains arteries over and over again.
Researchers and scientist have spent countless hours trying to discover what causes migraine headaches. Sadly, they have not been able to pinpoint what exactly causes chronic migraine, but they have revealed several contributing factors to the onset of a migraine headache known as “triggers”. Migraine triggers can be due to one’s environment or due to a physiological upset such as the start of a women’s menstrual cycle. If migraine sufferers became familiar with the different migraine triggers, they can then work hard at avoiding them, thus lessening migraine occurrences.
- Stress
- Sleep –Studies have shown that when sleep habits are improved migraine headaches are less current and have shorter duration.
- Fasting – A lack of nutrients to the body can reduce blood sugar levels setting off a series of stress-related hormones.
- Hormones
- Lighting –flashing, bright high intensity and visually stimulating light sources can be a factor in developing painful migraine symptoms.
- Smells – cigarette smoke, alcohol, body odor
- Alcohol
- Foods
Risk Factors
Migraine triggers play a part in the starting of a migraine but there are those individuals that are at a higher risk of developing migraine headaches. For high risk individuals, simply avoiding migraine triggers is not going to be an effective form of a migraine treatment. Common risk factors include: age, gender, family genetics as well as other such medical concerns.
If you are at a higher risk of developing chronic migraines, speak with a medical professional as soon as possible to discuss migraine treatment options and which migraine treatment option would be most effective.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, migraine risk factors, migraine symptoms, Throbbing
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