Migraines are about the worst headaches anyone can have. Millions of people suffer them all over the world. They can occur in the very young as well as the elderly; however the majority of people have them between the ages of 20 to 55. More women undergo migraines than men. The reason for this is purely speculative in that it might be hormonal in origin. There is no cure for this disorder and the best thing one could hope for would be to manage it or cope with it as best you can.
The symptoms of migraines vary from one person to the next. The main characteristic is the intense pain in the head, which could be felt in the back of the head or on the sides and sometimes on the top of the head or behind the eyes. The pain could be a mild annoyance to start out with and then slowly intensifies causing major disturbance in one’s way of life. Heightened sensitivity to loud noises such as gunfire, car backfires, fireworks, music, screaming children, and hammering, just to name a few, increase the pain. Being sensitive to bright lights, strobe lights, flashing lights like sunlight through the trees could also trigger a migraine. Certain foods and pungent odors often bring about migraines for some people. Just remember, whether you get a migraine or not from some of the triggers are purely on an individual basis.
Besides having pain, people with migraines also experience nausea coupled with vomiting, diarrhea, cold hands and feet, irritability, fatigue and the lack of sleep or the inability to sleep well. Some families know when a migraine is eminent for one of their members when they observe these symptoms being displayed. At least they won’t be alone when they have the attack.
Another classic symptom only seen by the one having the migraine is an aura. This happens quite frequently and usually about 30 minutes before the onset of the migraine headache. An aura is best characterized by wavy or squiggly lines, blurred or double vision, rays of color, flashing lights and even blind spots. Generally, when the migraine presents itself the aura disappears. Sometimes a person has a silent migraine, which is an aura followed without pain. It is very evident to see just how complicated and misunderstood this disorder is.
Migraines are diagnosed when an individual has 5 or more episodic headaches lasting from 4 to 72 hours coupled with a throbbing pain that seems to get worse with movement, along with additional symptoms of nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Some patients are required to get an MRI, CT scan or blood tests which are used to rule out other maladies.
Migraines are treated many ways. The most common is through medications. People having mild migraines not interfering with their way of life probably can get by with the over-the-counter (non-prescription) drugs purchased in a drug store. Analgesics like acetaminophen and NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Advil, aspirin, Aleve and Motrin provide short-time pain relief. Care must be taken however if taken on a regular basis and for an extended period of time. Finding one that works for you is a trial and error method because all people are different. As with all medications, a physician should be consulted to see if there would be interactions with other remedies you are taking.
Other pain relievers are triptans which are the drug of choice by many sufferers. Triptans not only relieve the pain but also the nausea and the sensitivity to sound and light.
For people who have pain lasting for more than 48 hours, Ergot may be most effective. There again you almost have to try it to see if it helps you.
Alternative forms of medication have also been studied and with positive results even if they are quite controversial.
There are natural treatments that don’t involve drugs. Acupuncture is one of them. Although research is still in progress over this particular method of treatment, it has been documented that positive results have occurred in the relief of pain. Another method is to seek help by talking to your doctor or join a support group. You would be surprised of all the types of treatments or therapies available. The experience could be quite encouraging because among all the symptoms involved there is a chance that depression could arise and complicate matters more.
Migraine sufferers have to realize that preventing the headaches are just as important as seeking relief. Knowing what triggers them and avoiding them is crucial in trying to live a normal life. Migraine symptoms are treatable but preventing them is highly beneficial.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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