A Migraine headache is so much more than just a pathetic excuse to get out of work for a day. In fact a migraine headache is in truth a serious neurological disorder. Migraine headaches form when the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge. The enlarging of the blood vessels creates several harmful chemicals to be released into the brain and attack the brains arteries. The attacking of the arteries sets off several miserable symptoms into motion such as the inability to comprehend things correctly, the loss of color and in some severe cases the inability to remain upright.
The enlarging of the blood vessels send painful symptoms throughout the head that only intensifies until the blood vessels have stopped enlarging and or some form of migraine treatment has been found. Most people have a hard time believing that a migraine can cause such severe head pain, but it is true. When a migraine attacks, it causes several shifts in the body’s chemical makeup thus making the body respond with difficulty. Some migraine suffers experience such severe pain that they end up in the hospital due to fainting spells or blackouts.
Life Interference
Migraines interfere with life on several different levels. A migraine attack can cause a delay in family time, work productivity and even personal relationships can suffer as a result of migraines. Severe migraine pain causes a lack of mind comprehension therefore the ability to work and or carry out a conversation with an individual is nearly impossible when in the midst of a terrible migraine.
The only way to stop a migraine from interfering with life is through preventative migraine treatments and even then there is no set guarantee that all migraine pain will cease. Migraine preventative treatments can come in two different approaches one being a prescription based treatment or the use of natural alternatives such as acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care and or herbal supplements. The choice is up to the patient, however keep in mind the different side effects connected with the use of prescription medications and make sure you have the full support of your doctor before use.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, headache, herbal supplements, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine triggers, Natural Ingredients
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