There are many conventional medical treatments, which involve many different prescriptions medications, which are available to those seeking a natural migraine treatment; however there are also many non-conventional or alternative therapies available as natural migraine treatment that work very well for the treatment of migraines and the painful symptoms that are felt by the individuals who suffer from them. A few of the most common alternative treatments available for natural migraine treatment are Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Chiropractic, Massage, as well as the use of Supplemental Therapies.
Acupuncture – Is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of very fine needles into certain points of the body, can be very effective. It is vital that a properly trained individual oversee this type of therapy. When acupuncture is used as a natural migraine treatment the good news is that with pain relief associated with migraines and the effects of that pain relief can last for months, and studies have shown that acupuncture is useful as an additional management or acceptable alternative for pain management.
Biofeedback – Biofeedback is a legitimate management for pain and has shown great results for long term relief in regards to natural migraine treatment.
Chiropractic Manipulation – Chiropractic care or spinal manipulation therapy has been a proven method for people seeking a more natural migraine treatment. Research has shown that in the case of tension and migraine headaches, manipulative therapy can be as effective as preventative medications in helping to keep off the onset of migraines. Also once a migraine has begun, chiropractic therapy can also greatly reduce the painful symptoms of a migraine if care is given in a timely manner.
Massage – Massage Therapy can be a very useful natural migraine treatment, especially if the headaches and migraines are triggered by stress and/or tension. A massage therapist is trained in working the muscles around the head, neck, shoulders, and back so that the blood flow will be increased in those areas which leads to increased oxygen flow that helps to relieve muscle tension. Research has shown that the use of massage therapy along with Chiropractic care can be even more beneficial because when given first, massage therapy can help to loosen the muscles in the head, shoulders, and neck and produce better results with the spinal manipulation.
Supplemental Therapies – Many different supplements have been known as beneficial for natural migraine treatment. A few of the most commonly used supplements are Magnesium, Vitamin B-12, Coenzyme Q10, Melatonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan. Other options for supplements are combination supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula which combines the most used supplements known for migraine treatment and combines them into one formula.
Tags: 5-hydroxytryptophan, Coenzyme Q10, Feverfew, Ginger, Massage Therapy, Melatonin, Migraine Support Formula, Supplemental Therapies, Vitamin B-12
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