Though there may be much about migraine headaches that are still unknown, there is one thing that is known – migraine attacks are a miserable thing to endure. Migraine headaches, their causes and treatments may always hold some mystery, but the level of head pain and the debilitating symptoms do not go unnoticed and for chronic migraine sufferers; the symptoms are very well known.
Symptoms of a migraine headache may differ with each migraine patient as well as the triggers that bring about the migraine symptoms. The most common complained about migraine symptoms would include the following:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Throbbing Head Pain
- Blurred Vision
- Cognitive Confusion
- Sensitivity To Light And Sound
Symptoms such as these can force an individual out of work for several days. With there being no migraine cure available, the only hope migraine sufferers have is through some form of migraine treatment. The most conventional forms of treatment would include prescription medications such as:
- Antiseizure Medication
- Antidepressants
- Blood Pressure Medications
- Triptans
- Ergots
Though these methods have proven to be effective with some migraine patients, the side effects often associated with each medication makes the usage of them not so attractive. Reports of worsening health have led thousands of migraine sufferers to seek alternative migraine treatment options such as:
- Acupuncture
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Supplements
- Massage Therapy
Alternative methods such as the ones we are going to look at more closely have proven to be just as effective at treating migraines as prescription medications but without the added risk.
Chiropractic Manipulation
Studies have shown that often times a migraine or severe headache may be brought on by the spine being out of alignment. A simple visit to the chiropractor where an adjustment can be had will eliminate migraine pain if the underlying cause is a misalignment.
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is a great muscle relaxer and has proven to help ease stress. Stress is one of the leading migraine triggers and if there is less stress there should be fewer migraine attacks.
A wide variety of herbal supplements exist and each proclaims that they can help eliminate migraine headaches. I would advise that research is done on each of the ingredients found in the supplement and reviews of the product read. One supplement that is worth checking out would be The Migraine Support Formula this is an all-natural supplement that combines the following powerful ingredients:
Tags: chiropractic manipulation, Gingko Biloba, herbal supplements, Magnesium Citrate, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, White Willow Bark Extract
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