One of the leading causes of migraine in many Americans each year is the nerve-affected occurrence called Cortical Spreading Depression or CSD, for short. Cortical Spreading Depression has been categorized as both a trigger of migraine headaches and a related symptom caused by the condition itself. CSD starts in the back of the brain and slowing travels to the frontal cortex. As it travels in this bilateral direction, Cortical Spreading Depression causes the nerve ending to be depressed or desensitized to neurological response throughout the brain; as this process continues, the nerves contract and expand sporadically initiating some to become inflamed. It is widely believed that the monstrous pain felt in and before the headache stage of the migraine process comes from such inflamed nerve endings like the Trigeminal nerve.
Vascular Drama
The reason that chronic migraines are thought to be a serious health concern has to do with the way they develop. Migraine headaches are actually referred to by some in the medical world as a vascular headache because they develop in the brain. Migraines unlike your normal run of the mill headaches cause a chemical shifting in the brain. As a migraine develops, it causes the blood vessels in the brain to enlarge or expand. The enlarging of the blood vessels does not only because severe head pains such as throbbing or pounding the expanding of the blood vessels also causes harmful chemicals to be released into the brain. The released chemicals from the enlarging blood vessels begin to torment the brains arteries making it nearly impossible for a person to be able to function around the pain.
A Natural Solution
The Migraine Support Formula is the most effective and efficient migraine treatment options accessible to the end consumer today. One of the greatest benefits is that the Migraine Support Formula is all naturally derived from vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. The ingredients have taken medical professional years to discover and with the test results to back them, the formula checks out as the safest and most effective way to help minimize the symptoms, frequency and intensity of the migraine attacks. Among the ingredients are Ginger, Feverfew, Riboflavin and Magnesium Citrate, just to name a few.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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