The problem with having a chronic condition like migraine headaches is that you can’t over plan or schedule everything in your life because a migraine headache and not only come out of nowhere but also it will incapacitate you from most activities. Migraines start from the person encountering a migraine trigger such as bright light or hunger pains. Then the blood vessels in the brain begin to swell and expand causing a chemical to be released into the brain. This chemical will in turn attack the arteries and nerves in the brain such as the trigeminal nerve. This attacking will cause the intense and immense pain felt by every migraine sufferer as well as other symptoms which are no picnic either.
Poke Me Or Poke Me Not
Chinese medicine dictates that all life-giving energy is flowing throughout the body via channels or meridians; and when these meridians become blocked or dammed, the body will experience an illness which could be anything from irritable bowels to chronic neuropathy or migraine headaches. So how do you unblock the channels and restore balance to the body’s energy flow. By manipulating needles along the meridian pressure points, you can do this and much more. Some patients have even said they have had a complete turn around with not so frequent migraine occurrences.
Release The Tension
When experiencing a migraine headache, one of the symptoms to this vascular condition is neck / back tension. Therefore, a massage of this affected area can overall minimize your trigger for the migraine itself. But a word of caution is needed. Don’t get a Swedish or deep-tissue massage as this will only inflict more agitated pain to your migraine headache; allow a therapeutic professional to focus on the smaller muscle group of the sub-occipital muscles which run along the base of the skull to the base of the spine. As you receive more therapeutic massages in this manner, you will feel more relaxed, less stress and less migraine occurrences will take place as a result.
Adjusting Your Head
Chiropractic methods such as massage, adjustments and spinal manipulation have helped ease migraine pain. The combination of chiropractic methods with natural supplements such as Ginger, Vitamin B, Magnesium Citrate and Feverfew will not only aid in pain relief but can also reduce the frequency of migraine outbreaks.
Tags: chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, migraine tretment, natural, natural migraine treatment, realignment
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