Fuzzy headedness is just one of the many symptoms associated with migraine headaches. Migraines have the capability to transform a person’s brain into nothing more than a bowl full of mush. Nothing makes sense when a migraine is tormenting all brain power, conversations, lists and schedules bunch together and all the migraine sufferer hears is a bunch of mumbo jumbo. What is it about migraine headaches that cause such a cognitive meltdown?
The reason that a migraine headache has such an impact on a person’s cognitive capabilities has to do with the process of which a migraine is formed. Migraine headaches are considered to be a neurological condition and are linked to the vascular headache category due to the affect the migraine has on the brain. Migraine attacks are not just really painful headaches but are indeed a reoccurring neurological concern that has a physical and emotional effect on the individual suffering with the migraine.
A Clearer Understanding
To have a clear understanding of migraine headaches and the effect they can have on a person both physically and mentally one must first learn how a migraine develops. The cause of migraines are still unclear, however those in the medical field have unearthed information regarding migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are factors that play a role in the onset of a migraine attack; in other words, they set the stage for a migraine to creep on. Migraine triggers can be environmental or physiological.
Once a migraine trigger has been encountered, a reaction in the body to the trigger begins. Over a period of days the body begins to experience several changes such as extreme fatigue as the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge. When the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge, a throbbing head pain may begin and continue to worsen while the blood vessels keep expanding. The enlarged blood vessels release a harmful chemical into the brain that attacks the brains arteries making it difficult for any information to compute.
Migraine pain is one of the most debilitating pains known to man. A migraine affects the mind and body limiting the ability to be productive at home and work. Without a migraine treatment, those who suffer with chronic migraines are left to do so with no hope. Migraine treatment is the only method by which relief can be found. Speak with a medical professional about migraine treatment options.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, neurological condition, symptoms, treating migraines
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