For anyone who has ever suffered from a migraine attack or has ever watched someone they love suffer from a migraine attack, the title of this article more than likely just grabbed your attention. But before diving into all of the facts about understanding how to attain migraine relief, first the migraine itself must be explained, especially for those individuals who may not necessarily understand all of the ins and outs of a migraine attack.
What is a Migraine Headache?
Before migraine relief can be achieved individuals (and loved ones or friends) must understand what a migraine is. Medically defined a migraine headache is an occurrence of intense throbbing or pulsing in one area of the head that is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, as well as extreme sensitivity to light and/or sound. Migraine attacks can last anywhere from hours up to days at a time and can be so severe that the migraine attack can literally leave a migraine sufferer unable to accomplish or complete any of their daily tasks or responsibilities. For these individuals who suffer from chronic or regularly severe migraine attacks migraine relief is vital in order for their overall quality of life to be improved.
Are Migraine Headaches a New Phenomenon?
Contrary to popular belief, migraine headaches are not anything new. In fact research has shown that migraine headaches appear to be among the oldest disease known to mankind. Descriptions of migraines were explained in detail in writings dating back to 3000 BC in Babylon, and even Hippocrates himself (considered the Father of Medicine) described what were clearly migraine occurrences back in 460 BC. Other studies have shown that the Egyptians recorded medical type documents explaining a headache with neuralgia as early as 1200 BC. A few notable figures who suffered from frequent migraine headaches include Sigmund Freud, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, Julius Caesar, and Vincent Van Gogh. So migraine headaches are nothing new, it seems that mankind has been plagued with this disease since the dawn of the ages.
Attempting to Find Migraine Relief
So why after all this time has migraine relief or a migraine elimination treatment been found? The answer to this question may lie in the fact that migraine headaches are considered very complex neurological conditions, with each individual who sufferers from migraine headaches having different triggers, warning signs, symptoms, as well as frequency and duration of their migraine headaches. For those who seek to find a one size fits all approach to migraine relief, this is probably not the answer, treating each individual migraine sufferer and their symptoms on a personal level will be the form of treatment that will provide the most adequate and successful results for migraine relief.
Historically speaking migraine relief has been found by a trial and error type of approach. We can be thankful for “modern medicine” so to speak because centuries ago migraine headaches were considered caused by evil spirits which needed to be removed (and sometimes with gory approaches such as the drilling of holes in the skull, inserting a clove of garlic through an incision in the temple, or applying a hot iron to the pain site). When these kinds of ideas and superstitions are considered we in the modern medical era may be thankful for the science behind understanding what migraine headaches are and how to more properly achieve migraine relief.
Breakthroughs in Finding Migraine Relief
Thankfully we have come a long way in modern medicine since the days of treating migraines and trying to find migraine relief through the use of such crude medical procedures. The modern marvels of the human brain and blood vessel system has been studied much more within the past few centuries and more about how the migraine affects a person’s head pain and other symptoms is more understood. Because most migraines are either caused by enlarged or inflamed vessels, pinched nerves, hormonal or stress factors, or out of place musculoskeletal problems, each migraine can then in turn be treated in order to find migraine relief based on what the assumed trigger or causative factor of the migraine is. Prescription medications, the use of supplements as well as therapies such as acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, chiropractic care, or relaxation techniques can all be extremely beneficial in providing migraine relief for those who constantly suffer from migraine headaches. The key to remember is that each migraine sufferer will vary in their triggers, warning signs, symptoms, as well as the frequency and duration of their migraine attacks, therefore finding migraine relief is a quest that is best found on a personal and individual level in choosing what works to provide migraine relief for each person .
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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