It’s hard to work through an incurable condition sometimes. The battle seems almost up hill. Yet for most incurables, there is hope in the form of treatments. Now treatments don’t get rid of the disease but they can muffle the symptoms long enough for you to breathe. The Migraine Support Formula is one of those treatments out of a hand-full. The Migraine Treatment Group was founded to discover and procure the exact ingredients to minimize the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks. The Formula is a precise combination of vitamins, all-natural herbs and minerals; by taking a natural approach to treatment, you can eliminate almost all dangerous side effects for the picture and rest, knowing you can live a somewhat normal life. Below are some of the ingredients.
Coenzyme Q10
This molecular compound has an important role in the metabolism of energy and de-oxidation of the body. Most illnesses are because of cell that have decayed and can no longer perform their normal function; this process is called oxidation. Whereas, CoQ10 reverses the oxidizing effect on the body’s healthy cells, eliminates the illness and allows the cells to perform their function properly. CoQ10 works most effectively when used in conjunction with Riboflavin and Magnesium Citrate.
Ginkgo Biloba
Surprising most people, hallucinations are a possible and almost normal symptom in the migraine process as well as cognitive difficulties and extreme vertigo. Where does Ginkgo Biloba come in though? Most don’t realize that Ginkgo is a herbal supplement that increases mental clarity, concentration and improves cognitive response. Most older individuals take it to stay sharp in their mind as it is a wonder-drug for the brain. Ginkgo also has anti-vertigo properties and can help you regain your balance when a migraine knocks you around.
Valerian Root
This herbal supplement has been used by many doctors and has natural sleeping abilities. It can be used as a sedative and since fatigue and lack of sleep is a common migraine trigger, Valerian can aid in minimizing the onset of a migraine attack. Some applications of the root is to chop it up and make a tea with it; this can be very effective to put you to sleep in the midst of major migraine pain.
Tags: Acupuncture, Biofeedback, chiropractic care, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, migraine prevention, Migraine Support Formula, Migraine Treatment Group, stress management, Vitamin B-12
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