How does a migraine actually work and affect you? Well, unfortunately most doctors, researchers and medical professionals don’t know what exactly causes a migraine just that it reacts to environmental phenomena surrounding you; these reactants are called triggers. Now when a migraine begins, blood vessels in the brain enlarge and expand which in turn causes a chemical to be released. This chemical starts attacking the arteries in the brain causing the intense pain associated with migraines as well as other problematic symptoms. Migraine sufferers can be in the 3rd stage of a migraine, the headache, for 2 to 3 days and have no relief. Relief only appears if the patient adheres to a migraine treatment plan. Also, they can preventatively avoid known triggers in their life as triggers are widely believed to be the catalysts for the migraine chain reaction. Here are some of the known triggers that commonly affect migraine sufferers: fatigue, hunger, sleep depravity, bright lights, certain foods like cheese or sweets, uncomfortable smells like cigarette smoke, body odor and perfume, weather changes, caffeine enriched drinks and even neck / back tension. Some trigger can be avoided regularly, while others cannot be as we all have daily responsibilities to work and family. Therefore, a migraine treatment is the only to overcome your symptoms and even the migraine itself.
Pick An Option
What does a migraine treatment do that OTC or over the counter medicine cannot? Well, for starters, an OTC medication is designed to hit a headache pretty hard but a migraine is a different story. There are a number of true migraine treatments out there but you do need to consult with your primary care physician to discover and decide on which migraine treatment is best for you. Here are a couple of the choices available to you:
- Chiropractic Adjustment – A chiropractor does a great job at re-aligning your back and lessoning the tension there as that is a migraine trigger for many migraine sufferers.
- Massage Therapy – Massages are great to relaxing to and not focusing on the migraine pain you just might be experiencing. However, deep-tissue or Swedish massages can actually prolong migraine symptoms and not alleviate the migraine issues. The therapists focus on the small group of muscles called the sub-occipital group which run from the base of the skull and down to the base of the spine,
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, headache, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, nausea, treating migraines
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