Migraines are one of those conditions that can be broken up or separated into parts; there are four distinct phases or stages in the migraine process and each one of them have there own concerns for the chronic migraine sufferer as well as their own symptoms that reek havoc on the body with the mind. The four stages are: the Prodrome stage, the Aura stage, the Headache stage and finally the Postdrome stage. Right now, we will go into some detail concerning the Prodrome stage of the migraine process. This is the stage of warning signs; which if identified for you in advance, then you can be aware of when a migraine headache begins. Plus, you can make plan to be out of commission for a while instead of letting you get surprised. Here are some of the symptoms felt in this stage: fatigue, depression, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, food cravings and even irregular urination patterns.
Know The Treatments Available
If in fact a person might have preexisting risk factors towards migraines, it is important to note that there are a myriad of migraine treatment options ranging from therapeutic, supplemental, and of course the use of medications. A person searching migraine treatment will most certainly need to meet with a physician in order to properly diagnose the underlying causes and discuss any forms of medical action needing to take place. However, it is also important that migraine sufferers are aware of alternative treatments such as biofeedback, stress management, acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or herbal remedies. These forms of alternative care are used widely within the world of migraine treatment and have been proven very successful in both the prevention or in the very least the lessoning of symptoms of a migraine. Knowledge is the key to finding the best possible migraine treatment available for every individual.
A Massage That Is Therapeutic
When you think of getting a massage, there are few things that come to mind. First, you might think of a very burly Swedish woman that might squash your back if you let her. Or perhaps, you would think of this….a calm melodic background with the drizzle of a mountain stream and nature sounds as a well-groomed gentleman kindly melts the stress away from your tense traps. Well, for a migraine sufferer if the massage is not therapeutic in nature, then the pain and symptoms from the migraine will intensify and neither scenario will be a relaxing reality. When a chronic migraine sufferer needs a massage they need to have the therapist focus on the muscles that run from the back of the head to the base of the spine. These muscles are called the sub-occipital group of muscles.
Tags: Drowsiness, migraine headache, migraine symptoms, migraine triggers, migraine warnings, Mood Swings, preemptinve warning sign
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