Migraine pain is very different than just normal “headache pain”. Medically defined migraine pain is described as a severe and pulsating headache that is most often unilateral (meaning it the migraine pain only affects one half or side of the head) and is often associated with additional autonomic symptoms and can last anywhere from four to seventy two hours. If those who suffer from migraine pain will stop and think about their migraine pain episodes many of them will begin to see that their migraine pain often follows patters and will begin after certain triggers occur, if those who suffer from migraine pain can begin to notice these patterns and understand what their own personal triggers are then the hope is that treatment for their migraine pain or even better prevention of future migraine pain can take place. Many of the common warning signs that can occur before migraine pain takes place is a lack of sleep, hormonal changes, the presence of certain lighting, foods, or caffeine, as well as increased stress or environmental factors.
Treatment Options for Migraine Pain
Many times the first line of defense when it comes to treating migraine pain is the use of prescription medications. While prescription medications are most certainly necessary in some cases it is important that those who suffer from migraine pain be aware of any possible side effects that can be negative as well as the possibility of those drugs becoming habit forming. If however, a migraine pain sufferer wishes to treat their migraine pain without the use of prescription medications there are most certainly other healthier and more holistic options for finding migraine pain treatment. Some of those options are as follows:
• Massage Therapy – can be a very useful treatment options for reducing and preventing migraine pain. A trained massage therapist can work the muscles around the head, neck, shoulders, as well as back in order to reduce migraine pain that may be caused by stress and or tension.
• Chiropractic Care – is another useful treatment option for treating and reducing migraine pain. Chiropractic care or adjustments can help to ease tension and migraine pain headaches by using manipulative therapy in order to re-align the vertebrae in the neck and spine in order to reduce migraine pain symptoms.
• Acupuncture – is another option for treating migraine pain that uses an ancient Chinese medicine practice which involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points of the body in order to reduce migraine pain and the other symptoms that commonly accompany migraine pain.
• Biofeedback – is another legitimate management option for treating migraine pain in those who are searching for an alternative treatment plan other than prescription medications.
• Supplements – lastly migraine pain can be treated with the use of supplements such as Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B-12, Melatonin, and even 5-Hydroxytryptophan.
Tags: Acupuncture, Biofeedback, chiropractic care, herbal supplements, Massage Therapy, migraine treatment, natural treatment
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