Some people experience all four stages of a migraine in great intensity while others only seem to go through the headache stage; though painful, it is not as troublesome as all of the stages together.
Prodrome Stage
This is the first stage of the migraine chain reaction and can be easily viewed as another illness; this is because the symptoms one experiences in this stage are similar to other conditions such as food poisoning or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. In this stage, only about 40% – 50% of the population goes through the symptoms here: hot ears, irritability, euphoria, dizziness, food cravings, fatigue, excessive sleeping, sudden mood swings, constipation, diarrhea, irregular urination, depression and even stiffness in your neck. In the Migraine Support Formula, Riboflavin or B2 can really help you in this stage. B2 is one of the key actives which builds and maintains energy levels in the body so usually when you are tired, you have a Vitamin B2 deficiency. Since you normally excrete B2 through regular potty breaks, you must maintain a B2-enriched diet from foods such as: leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, almonds, fish, chicken, beef, cheeses, milk, eggs and even soy. Magnesium Citrate, in cooperation with Riboflavin, can be effective in the prophylaxis of migraine symptoms. It will help stop, not stop-up, the constipation issue that you can endure through the stage.
Headache Stage
Being the most commonly known stage of the migraine process and the most feared, I bet if you could personify the stage it would get its feelings hurt from all the hateful remarks. Quite frankly, the headache stage deserves it. It brings the most people to their knees and since it affects more than 95% of all migraine sufferers, you should pay attention to the things that can ease the pain. The pain is caused from the chemical that is released when the blood vessels in the brain begin to expand and swell. Also some pain comes from the inflamed trigeminal nerve and other cranial nerve roots which Cortical Spreading Depression can irritate. The pain cannot stop until those blood vessels return back to their original size and viscosity. Butterbur is a great herbal supplement for this stage. It is found near and beside marshes or wetland areas and has the ability to calm most head pain problems. It has also been discovered to reduce the amount of inflammation he body might be experiencing.
Tags: aura, Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, Feverfew, Ginger, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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