The problem lies with the fact that you can’t avoid every environmental or physiological trigger as you go about your life. If you did, life would be not worth living and you would be a hermit and go insane. So, you need to utilize a migraine treatment option which will help to counteract the migraine symptoms and keep the intensity of your migraine at bay. You see, a migraine is caused by a trigger which initiates or catalyzes the migraine chain reaction. This trigger, as it is called, is normally environmental (outside the body) or physiological (inside the body). It is believed that if you can avoid the trigger which causes your migraines, you can eliminate the migraine from starting itself.
Stages First
For every migraine sufferer, the goal is to evade as many migraines as possible while not sacrificing our social life. Therefore, you must recognize which symptoms you are having and which stages you go through in order to know how to protect yourself. Review these stages or phases as I call them and see where you stand.
• Prodrome Phase – The prodrome stage is the most important of the four migraine stages because it is the stage that gives the migraine victim a heads up that a migraine is a bout to begin; they can now implement a migraine treatment so they could have the best chance of stopping or at least lessening the impending migraine attack. This first stage of a migraine comes with no major pain only signs and symptoms which are uncomfortable and if not caught, could be mistaken as just a stomach ache or just being tired and not an incoming migraine. So make sure you are aware of what happens to you before you feel the full force of the migraine attack; look for symptoms like these: extreme fatigue, depression, anxiety, diarrhea, constipation, weird food cravings, dizziness, irregular urination patterns and even neck / back tension. The Prodrome stage can come upon a migraine sufferer about 2 to 3 days before the onset of the headache stage.
• Aura Phase – The aura stage is not had by all, only about 10 percent of the chronic migraine sufferers go through this awful stage. When the aura stage is experienced though, it brings with it symptoms that affect the eyes and your mental faculties. It’s one thing to be tired and have that be a symptom of a migraine and it is completely another thing to be seeing double or not thinking strait. Here are some of the symptoms you might experience in this horrific stage: blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes, zig zag vision, vertigo, lack of cognitive reasoning, lack of motor skills, blindness in one eye and even hallucinations. The aura stage creeps on mere hours before the onset of the worst of the migraine pain. One of the more common symptoms and even triggers for this aura stage is Cortical Spreading Depression or CSD. This is caused by slowing depressed nerves over a period of about 20 min which causes the nerve endings to become inflamed.
• Headache Phase – The headache stage is the most common phase known by most people because of the intense pain to the head that is experienced here. The pain is described as throbbing unilateral pain which means it is typically felt on one side of the brain and not both sides. The headache stage can last up to three days and brings with it miserable symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, cognitive confusion and sensitivity to light and sound. The only things you want to do during this stage, since there is no pain killer strong enough to stop the tumult, is crawl into a corner and wait out the storm.
• Postdrome Phase – The postdrome stage is the fourth and final migraine stage of the migraine process. Once the immense pain has subsided, migraine victim has several days to try and recoup from the migraine marathon. But the symptoms are far from over as they could feel some bouts of: muscles weakness, joint achiness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness and even depression or anxiety. So whether you experience every stage, just the headache or somewhere in the middle…remember if you can’t avoid a migraine attack via a migraine trigger, you have to utilize a migraine treatment option to solve the problem.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, strange food cravings, triggers
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