Misery and migraines go hand in hand; it is impossible to have one without the other. Migraine headaches hold several mysteries but there is much about them that has surfaced in recent years that is causing the medical world to stand up and pay close attention to the millions of people suffering with this debilitating condition. With migraine headaches being statistically one of the leading causes for missed work, it is time that the subject is addressed and treatment options are discussed.
What causes migraine headaches? The cause of a migraine is still unclear however test have shown that those who have low levels of magnesium in their body may be at a higher risk for developing chronic migraines. Studies have also revealed that the onset of a migraine may be the result of migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are factors that play a key role in the onset of a migraine. Migraine triggers can be either environmental and or physiological in nature and they strive hard to make a persons life miserable. Triggers can be hard to determine and often go unnoticed.
Migraine triggers are hard to decipher and take skill to do so. A chronic migraine sufferer has to know what each of the migraine triggers is and if they personally are affected by them, this can be done in a series of different ways such as journaling. Journaling before, after and during a migraine attack can help migraine sufferers learn about the symptoms, changes and how their body responds to different elements.
And The List Continues
Migraine triggers are unable to be avoided; however learning which triggers affect you can help you seek out a migraine treatment as soon as a trigger has been encountered to hopefully reduce the chances of a migraine forming. So what are these pesky little things?
- Weather – change or drop in barometric temperature
- Stress
- Sleep – too little, too much, interrupted
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Odors – perfume, cigarette smoke and or body odor
- Foods – aged cheese, chocolate
- Flashing lights
- Fasting – going long periods without food
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine headache, migraine relief, neurological condition, pounding, stress, symptoms, Throbbing
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