Knowing the “how” of migraine development can help aid in the lessening of migraine frequencies and migraine duration. Migraine headaches are painful enough in and of themselves but how many chronic migraine sufferers are aware that their choices play a role in the development of a migraine? It is true, the environment and physiological makeup of a person plays a direct role in the amount of migraines suffered each month. Most people have the misconception that migraine headaches just occur at random will but that is not case at all.
Migraine headaches do indeed form and when they do form they take their sweet time coming and going. Migraine headaches can last up to seventy two hours and have the potential to leave a person miserable for days after. Though most migraine causes are still unknown research has led to the discovery of migraine triggers and the role they play in the onset of a migraine headache. Migraine triggers are factors that lead to the onset of a migraine and can be both environmental and or physiological.
Open Target
Stepping outside your home if you are a chronic migraine sufferer is leaving you vulnerable to migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are everywhere and it is impossible to avoid them, therefore one must be wise about his or her coming and going and prepare to meet a trigger happy environment on their way out the door because once you leave your home you are an open target. So what are possible migraine triggers? The following is a short summarized list of potential migraine triggers.
- Stress
- Sleep- too little, too much or interrupted
- Foods
- Chocolate
- Aged Cheese
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Odors
- Cigarette Smoke
- Body Odor
- Perfume
- Weather Changes
- Hormonal Fluctuation
Migraine triggers surround daily existence therefore it is nearly an impossible feat for one to leave their home and not encounter or worry about encountering a migraine trigger. Rather than spend countless hours worrying about the possibility of a migraine developing, seek out information regarding natural and safe preventative migraine treatment options. One migraine treatment option would be the Migraine Support Formula and the results from users have been astounding.
Tags: Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, natural migraine treatment, neurological condition, pounding, symptoms, treating migraines
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