Have you ever had such intense pain that it leaves you trembling? Those that have been diagnosed with chronic migraines might be reading this article and nodding their head. Migraine headaches are intense so much so that they have been known to force a person into the Emergency Room and out of commission for several days. The pain of a migraine is caused by the enlarging of the blood vessels in the brain. The enlarging of the blood vessels causes intense, throbbing sensations to occur in the head making it difficult for the migraine patient to think clearly much less function at a normal capacity.
As the blood vessels enlarge a harmful chemical is released into the brain to further complicate things and causing a series of miserable symptoms to unleash and demobilize the individual. Symptoms of a migraine headache can vary from moderate to intense and can affect people differently, however, listed below are the more common symptoms associated with and described by migraine headache sufferers.
Migraine Symptoms Detailed
• An intense throbbing, pounding feeling typically located on one side of the forehead
o Pain can also generate in the back of the head
o Pain can formulate right above one eye
• The pain is often described as unilateral meaning the pain is typically felt or experienced on one side of the head.
o Reports have shown that about one third of most migraine headaches are described as being felt on both sides of the head also referred to as bilateral.
o The pain felt from the migraine on one side of the head can alternate to the other side of the head during the next migraine attack. If you frequent migraine attacks on the same side of the head please speak with your doctor immediately this could imply something more serious is occurring.
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Paleness
• Coldness in the hands and feet
• Sensitivity to light and sound
To reduce or eliminate frequent migraine attacks it is important that the migraine patient find help through his or her medical professional as they discuss the various treatment options that are available.
Tags: Chronic migraine, constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, headache, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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