Treating migraines can be sometimes confusing as there are conflicting views on how to fix the problem. Some medical professionals feel that a prescription / medication approach is the best way to handle the symptoms effectively. Now others feel that a more natural, more holistic method of treatment can not only stop the symptoms but benefit the patient as well with less negative side effects. Natural migraine treatments can range from chiropractic medicine to therapeutic massage; some methods take more of your time than others, so do your research and pick the right treatment for you. One way that most people don’t think is a legitimate way to treat migraines is by balancing out the herbal and vitamin deficiencies found in most every migraine sufferer’s system. Using supplements like Coenzyme Q10, Butterbur, Valerian, Riboflavin and other supplements, you can minimize the effects that migraine symptoms have on you and gain control over the condition as well.
Prodrome Stage
The first stage that migraine sufferers endure is referred to as prodrome or the preemptive/pre-headache stage. During the prodrome stage soon to be migraine suffers will begin to experience symptoms that serve as warning signs such as:
- Fatigue
- Changes In Behavior
- Food Cravings
- Overly Sensitive To Light And Sound
- Constipation
Migraine sufferers can work hard at reducing stress during the prodrome stage and begin to formulate plan as they progress into stage two.
Aura Stage
Stage two hits not long before the actual headache settles in, this phase is called migraine aura and begins to show up twenty to sixty minutes before the intense migraine headache symptoms begin. Symptoms that come with the migraine aura stage typically affect vision and produce the following symptoms:
- Flashing Lights
- Blank Spots
- Zigzag lines
- Vertigo
- Black spots in eyes
- Temporary Blindness
CSD or Cortical Spreading Depression is also a key symptom and is even suspected to be a key contributor to the start of a migraine to begin with. It starts at the back of the head and travels slowly to the front causing the nerves to be depressed in their response to impulses. It is important that friends, family and employers are notified during this stage that over the next few days you may be somewhat out of sorts as you cope with your migraine headache. Finding a dark quiet place to rest is important during this stage so that the migraine attack does not intensify.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine treatment, Migraines, postdrome, prodrome, stages of migraines
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