When dealing with a condition like migraine headaches, you tend to walk on egg shells around everyone and everything not knowing if you will run into a trigger and start the migraine process again in your life. On the other hand, it can be preceded by a number of warning signs which appear before the migraine obviously but during the first stage of the migraine headache called the Prodrome. These warning signs come with many annoying and even debilitating symptoms such as: vomiting, irregular urination patterns, depression, anxiety, foods craving, nausea, mood swings and even dizziness. It is vital to have a plan because these troublesome head pains can sneak up on you and overwhelm your day if you are not careful. Migraine headaches are also called vascular headaches as the not only affect the vascular system of the body such as the blood vessels in your brain but also they are a neurological disorder as they cause a great amount of drama with the nerves and nerve endings in the brain.
Lifestyle Changes Help
Treating migraines can be as complicated as the migraine themselves, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several different methods that migraine sufferers can consider that will help bring about migraine relief. The most common treatment is often prescription based thus creating several adverse side effects and further health complications. The goal of migraine treatment is to offer the patient relief not further pain and health complications. Treating migraines effectively does not always have to be through a pill it can be done through simple lifestyle changes. Men and women who suffer from moderate to intense migraine pain need to take a few practical steps to help reduce their migraine occurrences. By simply making a few changes to their normal routine, men and women will notice fewer migraine attacks during a single month. If these simple changes still prove to be ineffective there is still the option of herbal supplements. Some simple steps to reducing migraine headaches are:
ü A set scheduled time for going to bed and waking each morning.
ü Having a daily exercise regime – exercise has proven to help improve quality of life for individuals suffering from various conditions from diabetes to migraine headaches. Individuals who are not physically fit are more prone to migraine attacks.
ü Avoid skipping meals and long bouts of fasting.
ü Avoid stress (if possible) – exercise can help release negative endorphins and research has proven that daily exercise can help improve mood and improve clarity of thought.
ü Refrain from overuse of caffeine do not consume more than two caffeinated beverages in a given day.
ü Bright and flashing lights are often associated with migraines therefore keep protective eyewear on hand and avoid places with flashing lights.
Try Not To Risk It
There are many risk factors when it comes to preventing migraine headaches from occurring and the knowledge of these risk factors can be the difference between suffering and relief. It is important for individuals who are seeking a migraine treatment to understand their own personal risk factors so that they will be more able to properly seek out the best migraine treatment that will work for them.
- Family History – Family history and genetic factors actually play an extremely important role in individuals who agonize from migraines. There have been studies that show that up to 90% of individuals with migraines come from a family tree who also share this trait. As the saying goes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the pear tree.
- Medical Issues – Individuals who are have other medical issues such as epilepsy, depression, anxiety, stroke, and high blood pressure are more vulnerable to migraines than people who have not underwent with any of these medical concerns.
Massage Therapy
A trained massage therapist can use their hands to work out the tension in one’s neck and back muscles which can be leading cause or triggers of migraine headaches. The sub-occipital muscles, which start at the lower base of the skull and run to the bottom of the spine, are in direct correlation with the migraine trigger aspect of these muscles. One thing that must warned against here is that a deep-tissue massage or Swedish massage can actually increase the intensity of the migraine instead of minimizing the effects.
Tags: age, genetics, medical history, migraine attacks, migraine headaches, migraine sufferer, Migraines, Risk Factors, treatment
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