If you are new to migraine headaches and are still in the process of gathering information on the topic than you might want to read up on and become familiar with the four migraine stages.
Prodrome: Stage #1
Stage one or the onset of a migraine headache begins several days before the actual migraine itself. Days leading up to the onset of a migraine can have an effect on the individual’s mood, food cravings, sleeping patterns and overall disposition. Those that suffer with chronic migraine headaches can learn to recognize their preemptive warning signs if they are made aware of what some preemptive warning signs are. Having the upper hand can help prepare an individual for what’s to come.
Preemptive Warning Signs
ü Sleepiness is often explained away by an overactive brain, bed discomfort and a million other reasons but drowsiness is a sign that a migraine might be in the near future.
ü Sudden irritability or changes in mood. Irritability can often be chalked away as not having had a good night’s rest, be cautious of overlooking unexplained irritability.
ü Fatigue
ü Bouts of depression
ü Obsessive yawning
ü Cravings for foods high in sugar of lathered in salt
Aura: Stage #2
Symptoms of an aura can be sensory or motor related. The most common aura affects ones vision and does not necessarily occur alongside a headache. Auras that affect vision are often described as flashes of light, or materializations of zigzag lines. Some patients even complain of blurred, shimmering or cloudy vision affecting their functionality. Needle like sensations might be felt as well during this stage in the arms as well as around the mouth. Sensations such as these could cause alarm for first time migraine sufferers; it is important that you seek the advice from your medical professional regarding testing if the mentioned sensations do not dissipate within a few hours
During the aura phase, one can pretty much bank on a migraine attack taking place within minutes of the aura symptoms leaving. Preparation for the third stage – headache – is important. Finding a nice quiet place to relax can help make the transition smoother and less intense. A cold compress or chiropractic adjustment might help reduce the severity of the third and fourth stage.
Headache: Stage #3
The third stage is the most painful stage; it is during the headache stage that the individual suffering with the migraine headache can become immobile for several days. When a migraine is at this pivotal stage, the intense migraine symptoms throbbing/ pounding feeling occurring inside the head makes it extremely difficult to function and accomplish normal tasks and responsibilities. During this third migraine stage, one begins to suffer from several other symptoms such as: nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, diarrhea and weakness. It is the thirds stage that migraine suffers wish to avoid due to the longevity of it.
Postdrome: Stage #4
The effect the migraine has on the body after the major headache has dissipated. Postdrome is where we are going to camp for a while. Postdrome is the last of the four stages and is what the body experiences in the aftermath of a terrible migraine headache. Whenever one develops a migraine headache, their body undergoes a physiological change and does not revert back to normal until after the Postdrome stage.
The Aftermath
Even though the intense throbbing pain of the headache stage may be over, the body can still have somewhat of an aftershock with stage four and display one or two more symptoms. For however long the migraine lasted, whether it have been four hours or seventy two, the pain felt was real and intense. Walking away from a migraine unscathed is pretty uncommon; most migraine sufferers will complain of sore muscles, stiff neck, weakness and fatigue.
Migraine warnings, stages and symptoms rob men and women precious valuable time that they cannot get back. For chronic migraine sufferers this misery can happen several times a year or even once a month. Migraine treatment can help put an end to migraine pain. Migraine treatment can lessen migraine occurrences when the right migraine treatment is sought. Speak with a medical professional about migraine treatments and get your life back!
Tags: Drowsiness, migraine headache, migraine symptoms, migraine triggers, migraine warnings, Mood Swings, preemptinve warning sign
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