Migraine headaches take place within four distinct stages that have their own symptoms and issues for the sufferers to deal with. The stages appear in the order of: Prodrome, Aura, Headache and Postdrome. Though these are the stages, not everyone experiences all of the stages or all that each stage is capable of bringing into their life in regards to symptom drama. Here is some info about the Headache Stage, the third stage of the migraine process. The headache stage is the climax and the part of the migraine process which everyone fears and wishes they could run from. The headache is not like a normal headache though this; this one can last up to 3 days without the pain stopping. The pain is typically unilateral, meaning on one side of the brain, and throbbing; once this pain starts, there is little that can be done to stop it until it runs its course.
Things That Can Add To Your Risk Of Getting Migraines
Most all migraines have particular symptoms and warning flags that will take place before a migraine occurs, but many migraine sufferers are not made conscience that there are actually risk factors linked with migraine onslaughts. Knowledge is the key to any individual who is seeking for a migraine treatment. It is important to know the red flags, triggers, and the normal risk factors so that they will be more conscience of their own tendency toward chronic migraine attacks. Once most of the common factors are put through a rigorous thinking process, a migraine sufferer can then schedule an appointment with their primary care physician in order to discover the best plausible migraine treatment available on the market. Of course, a migraine episode can occur at any time to any person; however for those individuals who experience (or will experience) more regular incidences of migraines, there are definitely some known to all risk factors:
• Family History – Genetics play a large role in migraines. Statistics hav shown that individuals who come from a line of family members who also suffer from migraines are more at risk to becoming chronic migraines sufferers themselves.
• Age – A person’s age can most certainly be a risk factor. If a person is between the ages of 15-55 they are in the age range where migraine attacks can most commonly occur.
• Gender – This seems to be a significant factor in those who may experience migraine attacks and would be searching for a migraine treatment. During childhood or adolescents, the frequencies of migraines between sexes were not that different but a drastic increase in migraine headaches in females become apparent as they neared puberty.
• Other Medical Issues – Certain medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, stroke, epilepsy, or high blood sugar seem to be an indicator of individuals who are more susceptible to migraine attacks than those who do not suffer from these conditions.
Alternatives To Drugs
There are a bunch of unique types of prescription drugs that are out there for migraine treatment; consequentially, those meds will usually alleviate the migraine pain and its symptom’s but only to replace the pain with negative side effects. Chronic migraine sufferers should consider the use of supplements as an effective and beneficial migraine treatment option. Some of the most commonly used supplements are as follows:
• Magnesium – Migraine sufferers usually have a lower level of magnesium when compared to those who do not have migraines. Studies have shown that the supplemental dosages of magnesium can help with the painful symptoms of migraines. It can also work as an effective laxative to combat the symptom of constipation.
• Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2 is an excellent preventative migraine treatment because studies have shown that it can decrease the frequency and severity of a migraine.
• Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 is found inside the body’s cells and is key to proper function within the cell, it has been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that seek migraine treatment. CoQ10 is also a very powerful antioxidant which stops the further decaying of healthy body cells.
• 5-Hydroxytryptophan – This particular supplement is an amino acid that is made by the body from tryptophan; it is then converted into serotonin which is an important brain chemical. Serotonin can reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks by decreasing the constriction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain which can lead to migraines.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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