Prescription medication has been a valuable tool and aid for millions of men and women suffering from diseases and chronic conditions. Without medication, there would be no relief for flu victims or pain freedom for women in labor (a BIG thank you to those who helped conjure up the substances that formulate an epidural). Modern medicine most definitely has a place in the medical world but is the use of prescription medications the best alternative for every condition of which there is a prescription designed to treat it? The answer is no.
Though prescription medication may have a place in the modern medical world, but that does not mean that medications are the perfect solution for every ache, illness or ailment that may occur. There are those conditions such as chronic migraine headaches where the use of prescription medications may not be the best or wisest choice. Migraine headaches are a debilitating condition that can leave their victims flat on their back for several days and unable to maintain a normal weekly schedule; but there are other options for treatment other than prescription medications.
Practicing Caution
The development of a migraine happens in the brain and creates a series of physiological changes to occur thus bringing about the terrible side effects and head pain. A migraine headache implies that the blood vessels in the brain are expanding and harmful chemicals are being released into the brain to attack the brains arteries. The reasoning as to why this enlarging of the blood vessels occurs is still in debate and research mode but what we do know is that the migraine pain keeps intensifying until the blood vessels cease their growth.
Medications used in the treatment of migraines are triptans, ergots, antiseizure medicine, antidepressants and blood pressure medicine. Medications such as these come with a long list of side effect ranging from mild heart burn to severe heart attack and stroke. Prescription medications are not to be taken lightly or without serious analysis. A full health check should be administered including heart health checks. Emotional side effects include depression and anxiety which often lead to suicidal tendencies or thoughts. Migraine treatment is supposed to be beneficial to one’s overall quality of life; dependency on medication may not be the best method for you. Speak with a medical professional about alternative migraine treatments.
Tags: Ergots, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, migraine treatment, neurological condition, Prescription medication, Triptans
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