Finding the best option for migraine treatment can often feel a little like the task of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro for the average migraine suffer. While it is not an impossible task, it can be daunting if all of the right information and tools to achieve the task have not been given. The goal of this article is to give the average migraine sufferer the tools and information to achieve the task of finding the best form of migraine treatment that will provide relief for them on a personal level. For after all, every migraine sufferer will experience different levels of pain and symptoms that take place with their migraine attacks, and thus migraine treatment should be adjusted according to best fit the individual migraine sufferer on a personal basis.
Consider Underlying Causes
When it comes to finding migraine treatment first and foremost a proper examination and diagnosis of the patient should take place in order to make sure that there are no other conditions or issues (such as nerve problems, aneurysm, high blood pressure, or brain tumors, etc.) that could be causing the migraine pain. Once a proper diagnosis has been confirmed as merely “migraine headaches” then the road to finding migraine treatment can begin. However, beginning on this road with just taking the latest and greatest form of prescription medications to knock out the symptoms of the migraine isn’t necessarily the best option for migraine treatment. Often times migraine headaches can be the outward symptoms of other underlying conditions. Considering what some of these underlying causes or triggers could be can be a key step in achieving migraine treatment. Some of the underlying causes which can lead to migraine pain include:
• Female Hormonal Changes
• Stress
• Sensory Stimuli
• Changes in Sleep Patters
• Physical Factors
• Misalignment of the Spine
• Environmental Factors
• Certain Medications
• Complications from other Conditions (one example would be TMD – temporomandibular joint disorder)
Understanding how each of these different triggers or underlying causes can contribute to migraine pain and the need for migraine treatment can help the migraine sufferer in not only treating the symptoms but also the underlying causes in order to prevent further need for migraine treatment in the future.
Treatment Options
The mountains of information when it comes to the different forms of migraine treatment can be overwhelming. However, if considering all of the different approaches to migraine treatment and how each individual may experiencing differing levels of pain and/or symptoms it can be encouraging to be able to utilize different forms of migraine treatment for different types of migraine pain. Some of the options for migraine treatment include:
• Prescription Medications – most often migraine treatment, at least within the medical world, approaches relief by using prescription medications such as Beta Blockers, Prophylactic Medications, Antidepressants, Anticonvulsants, or Analgesics in order to provide symptom relief. While there are most certainly times where these forms of prescription medications are necessary and unavoidable, it should also be pointed out that many of these prescription medications can cause negative side effects or become habit forming. So while useful as migraine treatment, if possible other forms of migraine treatment should also be explored.
• Massage Therapy – can be an excellent form of migraine treatment, especially if the migraine headaches are triggered by stress or perhaps tension. A massage therapist can work the muscles in the neck, head, shoulders, as well as back to help provide relief and increase blood flow and oxygenation which can aid in providing relief in muscle tension, which can be the cause many migraine headaches.
• Supplemental Therapy – is another form of migraine treatment which can provide successful prevention as well as relief of symptoms. Some of the most commonly used supplements for migraine treatment are Magnesium, Vitamin B, Coenzyme Q10, as well as 5-Hydroxytryptophan. Supplements are an excellent alternative to using prescription medications because they cause no side effects nor are they habit forming.
• Chiropractic Care – it is a known factor that many forms of migraine pain can come when misalignment of the spine takes place. Chiropractic care can help to re-align the vertebra within the spine and thus becomes an excellent form of migraine treatment for those migraines which are caused by spinal misalignment.
• Acupuncture – this ancient form of Chinese medicine can in fact be a successful option for migraine treatment. This form of migraine treatment utilizes the practice of the insertion of very fine needles into specific points of the body which help to relieve pain and pressure associated with migraine headaches.
• Biofeedback – another form of migraine treatment which utilizes the practice of cognitive retraining in order to teach the body how to better deal with symptoms of pain that is related to migraine headaches.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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