Unlike headache, migraine headaches is a slow process that creeps on and then holds on refusing to let go. Headaches happen quickly and with little to no warning, a migraine on the other hand gives off several preemptive warning signs that alerts the potential migraine victim to get ready for a few days of excruciating head pain, trouble sleeping and migraine symptoms that will create a lack of daily productivity. Headaches can be treated with a few over the counter medicines whereas a migraine will find no solace there.
Debilitating symptoms worsen over time as well as the head pain intensifies until it reaches a climax than the migraine victim is forced to suffer through several migraine symptoms that linger inflicting one last final blow to the poor migraine victim. The study of migraine headaches and the affect they have on their victims has been an ongoing process. Research has yet to reveal the exact cause of migraine headaches however studies have shown that most migraine sufferers lack magnesium; therefore when magnesium was added to the body, migraine sufferers noticed a lessening in migraine occurrences and the duration of the migraine itself.
Migraine research has communicated that migraine triggers such as alcohol, certain foods, smells, hormone levels and weather can play a part in setting the mood for a migraine to develop. When triggers such as these have been encountered, the impending migraine begins to create a series of stages that the migraine victim must endure before he or she comes out on the other side.
Stage 1 Prodrome – often begins days or several hours before any head pain is felt. Symptoms include: fatigue, mood changes, food cravings and gastrointestinal problems.
Stage 2 Aura – Not every migraine victim experiences this particular stage. The aura stage occurs a few hours before the third stage and brings about vision problems such as blurred vision, spots behind the eyes as well as dizziness and sensitivity to light.
Stage 3 Headache – the headache stage is the climax, during this stage the worst of the symptoms are had and the head pain is intense. Symptoms often include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and cognitive confusion.
Stage 4 Postdrome – the final stage of a migraine leaves the migraine victim feeling tired, sore and suffering with mild confusion and head pain.
Tags: headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, migraine stages, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, neurological condition, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines
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13 years ago
I have suffered from Migraines for years now, so I have pltney experience on this matter. (Too much if you ask me.) Taking three tablets of your Excedrine won’t hurt. I’ve for years taken OTCs (over the counter) Medication to alieviate my Migraines, but unfortuanatly, they don’t work on me. I would suggest that you go to your doctor, who might want to run some tests, MRI or Cat Scan to eliminate any other problem that might be causing your Migraines to occur. He can also perscribe you medication that can totally alieviate you pain. That is if Triptans will work for you. Right now I take Imitrex, it’s a Migraine medication, and I can tell you from experience that for me, this is the only medication I have found that worked. Usually within 30 to an hour my migraine is gone. It is wonderful. The only slight problem with these drugs is their cost which I am sorry to say is expensive. I talked to my doctor about this, and luckly for me, he is nice enough to give me free samples of this medication every few months. Otherwise I couldn’t afford it. I hope I helped you. Here is a good site to go to, it is a forum for people like you and me that suffer from constant headache/migraine pain.=GOOD LUCK TO YOU.