To sit and write out all the disadvantages of prescription medication would take too long and the fear of boring half of the people reading this article prevents me from doing so. Rather than dissect every issue, concern, health hazard and side effect of every prescription medication used in treating migraine headaches, I am only going to target a few of them. Do not get me wrong and walk away from this article convinced I am anti-prescription medication because that is an incorrect statement; what I am against is prescription medication being the only form of migraine treatment.
It may seem like an easy fix using a prescription to treat migraines but in truth they prescription medication is sending potentially harmful substances into your body to mask of cover up the symptoms rather than provide healing. In order to be objective, I will provide a list of Prescription medications that have been known to help reduce migraine headaches as well as their side effects and allow those reading this article to determine for themselves if prescription medication is a safe route for migraine treatment.
Divalproex can be taken once daily to help reduce migraine frequency; this particular drug was not originally designed as a migraine treatment but as a treatment for those that experience frequent seizures.
Side Effects could include: nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, asthenia (weakness), tremor, hair loss, pancreatitis, hepatotoxicity, skin rash,
Propranolol is designed to help reduce blood sugar levels but doubles as a migraine treatment as well and falls into the category of a Beta Blocker.
Side Effects include: Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, short-term memory loss, visual disturbances, vivid dreams or nightmares, decreased libido
Topiramate is prescribed to both seizure patients as well as migraine sufferers. Research has shown that this particular prescription can help reduce migraine headaches by half of their normal occurrences.
Side Effects include: Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, difficulty with memory, weight loss, nervousness, and speech difficulty
Triptans are able to attach to the serotonin receptors on the blood vessels and surrounding nerves. Triptans restrict the blood flow to the brain narrowing the blood vessels in rode rot prevent them from enlarging.
Side Effects would include: heart attack, stroke, drowsiness, facial reddening, fatigue, tightening in the chest, tightening in the throat and dizziness
Now it’s time for you to decide if prescription medication is a safe migraine treatment or not.
Tags: migraien headaches, migraien treatment, migraine, migraine attack, nausea, Prescription medication, side effects, treatment alternatives, Triptans
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13 years ago
It’s awalys a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
Byrant @ Texas Drug Rehab
13 years ago
Hey the article looks much interesting. According to my opinion, Generic prescription offers smaller risks of medication errors and duplication of medication among medicine users. Unfortunately, it has become a common problem in our society. People of all ages and cultural backgrounds abuse sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants, and narcotic painkillers. Keep up the good work.