Spinning in circles with your head on a bat is a bit fast but it reminded me how one of the frustrating symptoms of migraines is dizziness. You see, a migraine messes with the blood vessels in the brain causing them to enlarge releasing a chemical which in turn attacks the arteries in the brain. This attacking causes the immense pain associated with migraines. Some of the other symptoms might include: nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, loss of concentration and even displaced motor skills. Not a pretty picture, however you can minimize these occurrences by first avoiding the triggers that cause these vascular headaches. A trigger is the catalyst that starts the migraine chain reaction and is mostly environmentally caused. Here are some of the known triggers: weather changes, alcohol, foods, caffeine, humidity, neck/back tension, bright light, cigarette smoke and even a lack of sleep. Also, you must follow a migraine treatment plan in order to eliminate these annoying discomforts from your life.
Phase 1 Complete
The first stage that migraine sufferers endure is referred to as prodrome or the preemptive/pre-headache stage. During the prodrome stage soon to be migraine suffers will begin to experience symptoms that serve as warning signs such as:
• Fatigue
• Changes In Behavior
• Food Cravings
• Overly Sensitive To Light And Sound
• Constipation
• Irregular urination patterns
• Difficulty sleeping
• Neck and back tension
Care For A Massage
I do recommend that you consult and gain advice with you primary care physician in order to determine the best migraine treatment option for you. You migraine treatment plan will be your first and last defense against the onslaught and devastation that a migraine can do. It’s no wonder that migraine are the number one reason people called off of work sick; here a few of the symptoms of migraine headaches: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, indescribable pain, blurred vision and much more. This is why having a migraine treatment plan is so important. One of the migraine treatment options is therapeutic massage. When people think of massages, they envision a Swedish or deep-tissue massage which would normally bring great enjoyment and relaxation. However, for a migraine sufferer, it would totally be a mistake of ceasing the pain but it would create more of the already existent pain. The massage therapist will not focus on the large muscle groups that are targeted in deep-tissue massages but the small muscle group that runs from the base of the head to the bottom of the spine; these are the sub-occipital muscles. If massaged well and tension released, this migraine treatment can bring almost instant relief to the sufferer.
Natural Fixer-upers
The Migraine Support Formula is not very well known in the medical community nor is it promoted as well as prescribed. There unfortunately is more money to be made with prescription drugs like Triptans and Ergots. The Formula is a specific combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements which work together in harmony to minimize the intensity and frequency of occurrence of the migraine attacks and symptoms. Here are a few of their ingredients:
• 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – By adding more 5-HTP into one’s diet can raise help their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition. It has been proven that those suffering with chronic migraines typically have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. The thought process is that low serotonin and endorphins levels make it extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.
• Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
• Ginko Biloba – Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood circulation in both the body and the brain. This powerful antioxidant possesses flavonoids and terpenoids which have been tested to show that they help dilate blood vessels which in return surges blood flow. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known herbal remedies and can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches. The reason that Ginko Biloba makes for such a great treatment options is its ability to hinder platelet aggregation.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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