Migraine headaches are extremely difficult to prevent and even more difficult to remediate, once they have begun. There are two ways which will help you control your migraine attacks: knowing your triggers and adhering to workable migraine treatment options. For me, chocolate and abrupt weather changes i.e. (barometric pressure changes) are two migraine triggers which I have to monitor in order to avoid an attack. However, if I don’t avoid these plausible triggers, I could be looking at a lot of pain and no productivity which hurts everyone. Here are a few other triggers which might plague you: light, food, alcohol, smoking (smell), loud noises, humidity, dry air, light or even darkness. You can’t always avoid and run from possible migraine triggers; however, you can have a reliable migraine treatment plan to help you when things look bleak. So, don’t cry; just look for the migraine treatment that will work best for you.
How it All Works…
I am by no means a mechanic so my car does go into a shop when it is running a fever or has a head cold. However, I do comprehend the concept that you must know how something works before you can fix it. By understanding how a migraine develops, one can better learn how to treat migraines and or prepare for the onset of one. A migraine develops when the blood vessels in the brain enlarging and causing a pounding / throbbing pain in the head. As the blood vessels enlarge, they release a harmful chemical into the brain; the released chemical begins to attack the brains arteries and then releases a series of painful and debilitating migraine symptoms onto the victim.
Migraine symptoms are what make up the worse part of the migraine. Head pain is painful and can cause a few delays; however, it is the symptoms that cause the biggest delay and limitation on an individual. Migraine symptoms can cause not only debilitation but spells of confusion and lack of clarity of the mind. The list below is just a few of the debilitating symptoms you may face throughout his or her migraine journey.
• Blurred Vision
• Nausea
• Sensitivity to light and sound
• Vomiting
• Constipation
• Hallucinations and lack of mental focus
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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