The Aura phase-in does not show up until just before the actual headache settles in. This phase shows up twenty to sixty minutes before the intense migraine headache symptoms begin. CSD or Cortical Spreading Depression is also a key symptom and is even suspected to be a key contributor to the start of a migraine to begin with. It starts at the back of the head and travels slowly to the front causing the nerves to be depressed in their response to impulses. It is important that friends, family and employers are notified during this stage that over the next few days you may be somewhat out of sorts as you cope with your migraine headache. Finding a dark quiet place to rest is important during this stage so that the migraine attack does not intensify. Symptoms that come with the migraine aura stage typically affect vision and produce the following symptoms:
• Black spots in eyes
• Flashing Lights
• Blank Spots
• CSD as mentioned above
• Vertigo
• Temporary Blindness
• Zigzag lines
Triptans And Ergots
Finally, the hope we have been searching for is here! After decades of migraine suffering, new information has surfaced regarding migraine treatment and migraine relief. Professionals in the field of medicine, who have had to turn their migraine victims away for decades with very little information or options for treatment, have a “now” solution to migraine pain. Migraine headaches do not have to drive people to the brink of insanity any longer. In the past, doctors have used anti-depressants and anti-seizure meds but the new migraine medication is the prescription of triptans and ergots. Triptans and ergots are preventative migraine treatment options that are said to reduce migraine frequencies by half if taken on a regular and consistent basis. Triptans and ergots work by way of constricting or narrowing the blood vessels. A migraine develops when the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and expand; as the blood vessels expand, they release a harmful chemical into the brain that begins to attack the brains arteries thus causing pain and a series of miserable side effects. If they constrict these expanding occurrences, then you can eliminate the migraine but what if the price for migraine freedom costs you your life. While the medical profs say that it is rare for someone to die from taking Triptans and Ergots, it has happened to individuals before who were trying to receive aid from migraine pain. Heart attack, stroke, kidney failure are all possibilities. What do you want to risk for the chance to not have painful symptoms?
The Real Hope For Migraine Sufferers
Hours upon hours of medical research have gone into the development of a formula which can replace the side-effect causing Triptan and the vessel-constricting Ergot. We now have not a cure but as close to a cure as we can get in the Migraine Support Formula. This unique Formula is made up of an all-natural combination of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements which work together, helping minimize the symptoms and occurrences of the migraine’s intensity.
• White Willow Bark – White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins. This will help lower the inflamed nerve endings in the brain which do cause much of the pain experienced throughout the migraine process.
• Valerian – Valerian is a root that has been uncovered as a form of muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and even insomnia. Some people have even put the herb in their evening tea to help with the much needed rest that is desire from almost every migraine sufferer.
• Butterbur – Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed, that within sixteen weeks of use, the number of migraine attacks was reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
• Riboflavin – This vitamin is a part of the B-complex group and it is responsible for building, creating and maintaining energy levels in the body. You can find the Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin in these items: milk, eggs, cheese, leafy green vegetables, soy, nuts, almonds, fish, chicken, beef and even mushrooms. Oh, those taste so good…sautéed.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, migraine prevention, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Riboflavin
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