At the time you are diagnosed with a chronic condition like migraines, you will want to know what symptoms you will have to endure and how they will affect your everyday life. Migraine symptoms can be very debilitating and can even put a person out of work for several days. Plus, there are so many symptoms that each migraine sufferer experiences the symptoms in a different way. Some get the nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and all other gastro-intestinal issues; whereas other can only get vertigo and eyes problems like blurred vision or hallucinations. Yet most every migraine victim feels the intense head pain that climaxes the migraine experience. Now there is no cure for the migraine condition but you can find some relief from the use of a migraine treatment option which can range from acupuncture to prescription medication. These treatments are not the cure for migraine but if they are utilized on a regular basis, you can find relief from the overwhelming symptoms migraines bring.
Ways To Stage A Migraine
When a migraine develops, it causes the blood vessels in the brain to expand to the point of causing severe throbbing or pounding in the head but when does the pain start? Unlike a headache, a migraine develops overtime and takes a while to fully manifest and cause pain. As you get to know the different phase of a migraine, it becomes clear as to which phase the migraine pain develops and which phase brings some relief.
i. Prodrome Phase – The Prodrome stage is the most important of the four migraine stages it is the stage that presents the best opportunity for the migraine victim to implement a treatment. The first stage of a migraine comes with no pain only symptoms like fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and depression. The symptoms of the first migraine stage lasts for two or three days.
ii. Aura Phase – The Aura stage is not had by all but when the aura stage is experienced it brings with is symptoms like blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes and even moments of dizziness. The aura stage creeps on mere hours before the onset of the worst of the migraine pain.
iii. Headache Phase – The Headache stage is the worst of the migraine pain. The headache stage can last up to three days and brings with it miserable symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, cognitive confusion and sensitivity to light and sound.
iv. Postdrome Phase – The Postdrome stage is the fourth and final migraine stage. It is during this fourth migraine stage that migraine victim has several days to try and recoup from the migraine marathon. During this fourth migraine stage, mild symptoms are still felt like head pain and muscle weakness.
Taking That First Step
The first step toward migraine relief should come in the form of a meeting with a medical professional where migraine treatment options are discussed, viewed and thought over. Migraine treatment is the only source of which any relief can be found. Sadly there is no cure for chronic migraines at this time so migraine treatment is the only effective option. When it comes to migraine treatment, there are several things that a migraine sufferer should be aware of such as side effects that may be associated with the medication or the treatment. There are migraine treatments that are effective and safe with no adverse side effects. Natural migraine treatments are the way to go if you are looking for safe, effective and no adverse side effects. The following is a list of natural migraine treatments that should be considered:
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Chiropractic Care – Spinal adjustments are a proven therapy for providing migraine relief for those that seek it. Studies have shown that often times migraine pain is can be the result of misalignments within the vertebra of the spine that interfere with the nerves that travel the length of the spine to the brain. Chiropractic care is especially useful for migraine pain that is a result of tension or stress headaches as manipulative therapy can help to prevent migraine pain and offer symptom relief for when migraine pain is already occurring due to an attack. However, chiropractic care (otherwise known as spinal manipulation) can help to re-align these vertebrae in order to help relieve restriction and provide migraine pain relief.
- Prescription Meds
- Herbal Supplements
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine treatment, Migraines, postdrome, prodrome, stages of migraines
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