A migraine can really ruin your day as it has the ability to debilitate you for several days with a myriad of symptoms which are both annoying and painful. Migraines can be divvied up into four categories: Prodrome, Aura, Headache and Postdrome. These stages have various symptoms which change from stage to stage; therefore, everyone experiences their stages differently. We will go over in this article one of the four phases and how certain herbal supplements in the Migraine Support Formula can aid in their calming.
The Headache Stage
This is the third stage of the migraine process and probably the most commonly feared stage of the four as it brings with it pain and agony. About ninety five percent of the migraine population goes through this stage and the pain comes from to different venues. First pain point comes from the attacked arteries. As blood vessels in the brain expand and swell, a chemical is released which in turn attacks the arteries in the brain. The second pain point comes from the inflamed trigeminal nerve. As Cortical Spreading Depression progresses through the brain during the Aura stage, it irritates the cranial nerve root as well as the trigeminal nerve cause such major pain and inflammation that the sufferer can barely endure. Yet pain is not the only symptom in this stage; you can also experience as a result of the pain: nausea, dizziness, vomiting, delirious feelings, polyuria, stiffness in neck and even feeling faint as if you might pass out. There is also a sensitivity to light (photophobia), sound (phonophobia) and smells (osmophobia); these can be extra troublesome as you can’t avoid sounds, lights or smells all of the time. Butterbur is one of the ingredients in the Migraine Support Formula that can help with lowering the pain, especially head pain, throughout the migraine process. Butterbur is found primarily in and around marshes, lakes and other wetland areas; it can be also used for lessening the inflammation in the brain through natural means that is non-habit forming.
A Little Info On This Great Formula
The Migraine Support Formula is one of the safest and most effective migraine treatment options available to the end consumer today. It is a well-comprised formula made up of all-natural vitamins, mineral compounds and herbal supplements which help to minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine attacks.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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