Migraine headaches are painful and long lasting. The limitations a migraine headache can place on an individual is ridiculous and the process by which a migraine develops is slow going making everyone that suffers with a migraine headache miserable from the start till the end. Migraines are often mistaken for tension headaches or they are commonly referred to as a severe headache when in fact they are much more complex than a headache. A Migraine, if reoccurring, is thought to be a neurological condition due to the way the migraines keep developing.
A Migraine develops in the brain and causes a chemical change to occur as a result of the development. Once a migraine begins to develop, it goes through a series of stages. A migraine sufferer can become familiar with the stages and better know how to treat, cope and plan as a result; there are four migraine stages and each stage leads into the next. Each migraine stage comes its own unique set of symptoms and as the migraine sufferer moves from one stage into the next, the migraine becomes progressively worse and more painful until it reaches it climatic moment in stage three.
Stage #1 Prodrome
The Prodrome stage is the first of the four migraine stages and is possibly the most important of the migraine stages. It is the only stage where treatment can be implemented and actually be effective. Migraine treatments used after this first stage is a waste of time. During the Prodrome stage, preemptive warning signs take place such as fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and even bouts of depression. No head pain is felt during this first stage, this stage shows up several days before the second stage and any form of head pain.
Stage #2 Aura
Not every migraine sufferer will experience this second stage but there are several who do so it is important that is gets mentioned. The second stage is called the aura stage and this stage affects a migraine sufferer’s vision and equilibrium. The symptoms of this dizzying stage would be blurred vision, black spots behind eyes, dizziness and loss of balance.
Stage #3 Headache
The headache stage is when the migraine takes a turn for the worse and the pain becomes so intense that it often forces a person to seek shelter in a dark quiet room. Symptoms of the headache stage would include: nausea, vomiting, constipation, throbbing/ pounding head pain, sensitivity to light and sound.
Stage #4 Postdrome
The Postdrome stage is when the body begins to recoup after a terrible and painful ordeal. The body is still weak, head pains still exist and extreme fatigue.
Tags: aura, Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine stages, migraine treatment, Migraines, nausea, neurological condition, postdrome, prodrome stage, treating migraines
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