It is rumored that migraine headaches progress through four painful and frustrating stages. Those who have been recently diagnosed with chronic migraines may find this bit of news startling and somewhat disturbing. The idea of a migraine being more complex than just a severe headache is overwhelming, but it’s true. Migraine headaches are in fact much more complicated and complex than a typical migraine headache. Migraine attacks are often a reoccurring neurological condition that affects millions of men and women globally.
Headaches such as migraines fall into a category known as vascular headaches due to the physiological changes that occur in the brain while a migraine develops and moves from one migraine stage to the next. This particular article is going to focus on the third stage of a migraine also known as the headache stage. The previous two stages of a migraine are known as the prodrome stage and aura stage. Stage one and stage two of a migraine lead toward the headache stage slowly building up momentum so that the migraine can climax at stage three.
Pivotal Moment = Much Pain
Up until this point symptoms and pain has been minimal compared to what takes place during this third migraine stage. The headache stage is when the blood vessels in the brain are expanding to almost full capacity and the pain felt in the head is at its worst. During this third stage, migraine symptoms reach an all-time level of complete misery and discomfort. The head pain which led to nausea now induces vomiting for some migraine patients. Mild head pain and discomfort has now reached the point of full blown throbbing and immobility.
Every sound, smell and light intensifies the pain and the only refuge can be sought in a quiet dark corner of the world far away from children, work and anything else that can bring about more pain and noise. Migraine headaches are a miserable thing to endure especially on a reoccurring basis. There is very little anyone can do to help ease their migraine pain when it reaches this climatic point. In order to avoid such debilitating symptoms, it is important that migraine patients seek out professional advice on migraine treatments.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, pounding
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